Let's Play Eclipse! - Omae Wa Mou

Cobalt 458

Welcome to the Let's Play Eclipse! series - a collection of decks for those interested in playing the Eclipse format but who are perhaps a little unsure about the expanded card pool, or just don't know where to start. Feel free to play them directly* or modify them to come up with your own designs!

*Cobalt Corp. accepts no responsibility for the performance, or lack thereof, of any listed deck.

I want to eat lunch.

But Netrunner takes too long.

...a five-minute win?

There's no mincing words with this deck. You want to kill your opponent and you want to kill them fast. The game plan is simple: rez Chairman Hiro at the end of the Runner's turn to make them discard to a hand size of 3. Then, kill them with a combination of Reaper Function, Bladderwort, and Dedication Ceremony + Ronin. Everything else is secondary.

Psychic Field keeps nosy board-checking Runners honest while binning their hand, and Daily Business Show keeps the agendas on the bottom long before the Runner gets a chance to see them.

As the inspiration deck mentions, don't get greedy; we've no interest in long-term Bladderwort value, and telling the Runner where it is only helps them. Your kill cards are for killing. Don't rez anything other than Rashida or DBS unless you're ready to flatline the runner.

Don't worry too much about overdrawing; dump some cards in Archives along with a tasty Shock! or two for the Runner to eat to make your assets nigh-untrashable.

As a final note, Tech Startup won't pull any of the "start of turn" assets in time for their abilities to fire, so use it to grab Ronin when you're ready to do the Dedication Ceremony combo.

I've Had Worse who?

Based on / inspired by: Paranoid31's Worlds 2019

Restricted card: Rashida Jaheem

Mulligan for: Rashida Jaheem, Reaper Function, Dedication Ceremony