Erik's Trickster CtM (Spanish Store Winner)

Erik_Twice 2044

While undeniably powerful, I must admit I don't like the average CtM builds. To me they feel very reliant on power plays and pushing foward, making me wish for a higher degree of control.

This build, which helped me win a stournament this weekend, is my attempt to fix that.

1) No Political assets: I don't think open remotes are tolerable in the age of Temujin Contract and Security Testing decks. I replaced them with Adonis and DBS which are easily protected by Turnpike and CtM.

2) Bluffing instead of Hard-Hitting News power-plays: Bluffing is very easy when you can stack threats, those threats can hit on subsequent runs and you have six of them. Stacked Prisecs are scary and the Runner is forced to run under the threat of Breaking News.

Prisec and Mumbad are also extremely cheap ways to protect your assets and the ocassional central.

3) Increased ICE count: Again, with the arrival of Temujin you cannot leave servers unprotected anymore. Having a lot of ICE from turn 1 is very important, 15 is as low as I can go.

You can see me play this deck here:

28 Aug 2016 Pinkwarrior

I must admit i do love the idea of using Prisec & Mumbad Virtual Tour in CtM i think that is an excellent way to land multiple tags that the runner my not be expecting. I like the deck it's different and with good Ideas.

29 Aug 2016 clercqie

In that video, was your opponent aware of you not playing Hard Hitting News? He's constantly in danger of getting wrecked by it. Would you have played the card - " not liking power plays" be damned - it would have been smooth sailing to the finish line.

29 Aug 2016 Erik_Twice

@clercqie I don't think he was aware, though given how poor I was through the whole game, I don't think it would have been a great play. I had no problem tagging him for the Closed Accounts and Exhange of Information so I don't think it would have matterd much, either.

Also, while it could have been useful here, it would have been useless against the high-link, easy money matchups I faced earlier in the tournament.

31 Aug 2016 Gaxeco

Gran torneo Inkblot :D

3 Sep 2016 Erik_Twice

Gracias @Gaxeco :)

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