With the cards currently available, this is a pretty weak agenda. It has very limited useful targets, most of which are of limited utility. It would only need one or two good targets for this to shine, but I don't think they're released yet. I just wish it allowed you to add agenda counters :(

Ultimately it's competing with some other decent 4/2s like Corporate War (fantastic in BS), Geothermal Fracking (Weyland rush/scorch staple) and NAPD Contract (in no BP Weyland builds).

Good Targets

Docklands Crackdown - saves four clicks, pretty solid

Atman - can keep them out/force a scavange

Marginal targets

Data Raven, Viktor 2.0, Snoop, other power counter ice - while good targets, it's pretty rare to get the initial power counter and I wouldn't include a 4/2 on the off chance that I found my Viktor 2.0, they ran it and couldn't click it/break it/beat the trace.

Stim Dealer, slightly speed up the drain brammage

IT Department, save two clicks, not really worth it unless you are chaining agendas

Dracō - I rarely see draco in weyland but only really a 2 credit saving.

And there are a whole host of bad targets (mainly runner cards powered by power counters and Rex Campaign)

Gift more power counter to personal workshop. Make runner happy :) —
I find the fact that it sabotages Atman to be kind of hilarious... —
Chief Slee is a new target for this —