Prior to this point, Ice Analyzer has seen little play, because, as mentioned by earlier reviews, it is not only a niche card, but one that, at some some point, will become useless, when all the programs are installed.

However, the appearance of Khan: Savvy Skiptracer's breakers changes that. With Golden's and Peregrine's (and, presumably, the Fracter's) ability to derez the corresponding ice for 2 and returning themselves to grip, there now potentially could be a rig that never finishes installing all of its programs.

Of course, the Khan breakers are expensive, with install costs of 5 normally, or 4 if Khan passes an ICE first). Consequently, their derez ability synergizes powerfully with Ice Analyzer. Were one to have 3 installed, each reinstall would only cost 2, and the Corp would be subsidizing the remaining 60% by re-rezzing the ICE.

Throw in some additional derez cards, and maybe something like LLDS Processor, and there'd be a decent-strength criminal ICEbreaker suite that could do serious economic damage and still get in anywhere.

Nice thinking however London Library and Autoscriptor still make this cards unnecessary. If the credit was usable for anything it would have been a nice addition. Technical Writer is so much better for this setup. —
I love London Library with the birdies. However there does definitely exist the danger of unsuccessful runs if you are using all three of them with London Library thereby trashing your Autoscriptor. I think I might like to try it with Ice Analyzer once the fractor is released. —

This card has clear synergy with Gingerbread, Deus X, Sharpshooter, and a spoiled card from later on in the Mumbad Cycle. Unfortunately, Gingerbread's base strength and strength increase put it in such that many commonly-seen ICE are overpaid for, due to being at Strengths 3, 4, 6, or 7), and Deus X and Sharpshooter, while extremely cheap to use when breaking, have a high cost in terms of the recursion required, especially given the addition of Clone Chip to the MWL). This means that building a deck entirely around having multiple Panchatantra out will probably run into either money or recursion issues.

However, this card already tells us this, right in the flavor text. As g00ru's quote implies, this card is designed to be a support card through and through, and so Gingerbread, Deus X, or Sharpshooter cannot be the core of the deck, but instead should be the supporting pieces that overcome weaknesses in the deck. So, for example, perhaps maybe it has a role in an Exile: Streethawk deck that cheats out big breakers using Retrieval Run and Test Run/Scavenge, while using Panchatantra/Deus X/Clone Chip for surprise pressure on other servers before fully getting set up. Or, more likely, a heavy AI deck (be it Faust or Eater) that uses Panchatantra/Gingerbread to get through the AI-hate