Universally Blue Explosions (Pyjam's version)

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Universally Blue Explosions v3
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Pyjam 523

This is my own version of Universally Blue Explosions v3 by @frost-duty.

I wanted to include more cards to punish the face check : 2x Virgo in lieu of Caduceus. I've replaced the Bastion by Fire Wall, Janus 1.0 by Orion, and Datapike by Chimera for protection against Inside Job, Forked, Spooned, and Knifed.

I also prefer Crisium Grid for protection against Wanton / Siphon; also one Daily Business Show and one Executive Boot Camp (might be good against Valencia/Blackmail) and a tutor for DBS.

Finally, two Hostile Takeover for an easier victory by scoring agendas.


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