Speed Chaos

Diogene 4240

This is my take on a speedy shaper deck. It is designed around Dedicated Processor. With this, it is really cheap to run any ices. Stimhack allow you to get Stargate cheaply or to pump Study Guide to amazing level for cheap. Corroder and Mimic, with Dedicated Processor, are the most efficient breaker in the game. Bookmark is there to help with Obotoka and Punishment, you can trash it to get 3 cards. The rest is there to get you creds fast and steady. Special order is to make sure you can build your rig as fast as possible. Either that or SMC. Simulchip is there for insurance against SDS Drone of some damage that would take away your breaker before you could install it. Finally, Buffer Drive is there to prevent lacking cards against Jinteki and to get an card back from the heap if necessary. This deck aim to allow you to never click for creds. If you do not have Professional Contacts, Rezeki or Daily Casts in hand, you should mulligan.