Hardware: Chip • Install: 0 • Influence: 0

+1[memory unit]

When an installed program is trashed, trash this hardware.

One of the core problems of quantum computing is isolating the system from external factors to prevent decoherence. The Q-Coherence Chip is one, imperfect, solution.
Neutral • Gong Studios Honor and Profit 52
Q-Coherence Chip
Ice: Sentry - Code Gate - Barrier • Rez: 3 • Strength: 4 • Influence: 0

[subroutine] End the run.

The annual review of ice as published by the NSCA consistently gives top marks to the ice that provide the most impact in relation to their size and upkeep cost. Critics of the NSCA point to the bounce ratio as the most important stat when judging ice.
Neutral • Ed Mattinian Honor and Profit 25
Resource: Job • Install: 0 • Influence: 3

When your turn begins, you may choose a server.

The first time each turn you make a successful run on the chosen server, instead of breaching it, gain 2[credit].

She was as good as Mr. Li said. The source machine had been compromised in under 24 hours. If a freelance operative could do that, the server clearly wasn't ready to endure Gagarin's legion of corp-owned runners.
Criminal • Gong Studios Honor and Profit 48
Security Testing
Asset: Ambush • Rez: 0 • Trash: 0 • Influence: 4

When the Runner accesses this asset anywhere except in R&D, you may pay X[credit]. The Runner must either suffer X net damage or add this asset to their score area as an agenda worth -1 agenda point.

Jinteki • Alexandr Elichev Honor and Profit 11
Ice: Code Gate • Rez: 6 • Strength: 5 • Influence: 4

[subroutine] Look at the top 3 cards of R&D and arrange them in any order.

[subroutine] You may pay 1[credit]. If you do not, the Runner breaches R&D. They cannot access cards in the root of R&D during that breach.

When locked in a fortress in your own mind, be careful what door you open.
Jinteki • Adam S. Doyle Honor and Profit 19
Identity: Natural • Link: 0 • Deck: 40 • Influence: 15

The first time you make a successful run on HQ each turn, you may expose 1 card.

"Don't waste my time."
Criminal • Simon Eckert Honor and Profit 30
Silhouette: Stealth Operative
Ice: Sentry - Deflector • Rez: 9 • Strength: 7 • Influence: 3

[subroutine] If the attacked server is not Archives, the Runner moves to the outermost position of Archives instead of passing this ice. The Runner cannot jack out this run until after they encounter a piece of ice.

Certain areas of cyberspace are dominated by a single digital entity. Runners call them 'gods', and only a miracle can save those foolish enough to enter their domain.
Jinteki • Falk Honor and Profit 20
Asset: Clone • Rez: 2 • Trash: 4 • Influence: 3

[click]: Swap 2 pieces of installed ice.

The Tenma clones became Jinteki's third highest-grossing line ever due to the rapid urban expansion that occurred after the war. Their unparalleled reaction times, safety records, and punctuality have made them the top choice for shipping and transportation services.
Jinteki • Smirtouille Honor and Profit 12
Tenma Line
Identity: Division • Deck: 45 • Influence: 15

When your turn begins, if the Runner did not make a successful run during their last turn, you may place 1 advancement counter on an installed card.

Jinteki • Emilio Rodríguez Honor and Profit 3
Tennin Institute: The Secrets Within
Agenda: Initiative - Psi • 5/3

When the Runner accesses The Future Perfect, you and the Runner secretly spend 0[credit], 1[credit], or 2[credit]. Reveal spent credits. If you and the Runner spent a different number of credits, prevent The Future Perfect from being stolen. Ignore this ability if the Runner accesses The Future Perfect while it is installed.

Jinteki • Christina Davis Honor and Profit 7
The Future Perfect
Resource: Connection • Install: 3 • Influence: 4

When you install Theophilius Bagbiter, lose all credits in your credit pool.

Your maximum hand size is equal to the number of credits in your credit pool.

"Why is a raven like a typing desk?"
Criminal • Matt Zeilinger Honor and Profit 49
Theophilius Bagbiter
Upgrade: Sysop • Rez: 3 • Trash: 2 • Influence: 4

[interrupt] → The first time you would do 1 or more net damage during each run against this server, instead you may pay 2[credit] to do 1 core damage.

Known as the Red Woman, Hanzō is notorious for her ruthless methods of server protection.
Jinteki • Smirtouille Honor and Profit 22
Tori Hanzō
Resource: Connection • Install: 2 • Influence: 1

You cannot use Tri-maf Contact more than once per turn.

[click]: Gain 2[credit].

When Tri-maf Contact is trashed, suffer 3 meat damage.

She slipped back onto her hopper. "I'm your family now, so don't twist me, dǒng ma?"
He flicked the e-cig away from his mouth, and nodded. What had he gotten himself into?
Criminal • Ashley Witter Honor and Profit 50
Tri-maf Contact
Hardware: Weapon • Install: 1 • Influence: 3

Use this hardware only if you have made a successful run on HQ this turn.

[click][click]: Trash 1 rezzed bioroid, clone, executive, or sysop in the root of a remote server.

Criminal • Gong Studios Honor and Profit 39
Unregistered S&W '35
Hardware • Install: 2 • Influence: 1

[click]: Draw 1 card from the bottom of your stack.

The grass looked greener on the other side of the tear. But it always did, and there was always another tear.
Criminal • Seage Honor and Profit 40