+1[memory unit]
When an installed program is trashed, trash this hardware.
[subroutine] End the run.
When your turn begins, you may choose a server.
The first time each turn you make a successful run on the chosen server, instead of breaching it, gain 2[credit].
When the Runner accesses this asset anywhere except in R&D, you may pay X[credit]. The Runner must either suffer X net damage or add this asset to their score area as an agenda worth -1 agenda point.
[subroutine] Look at the top 3 cards of R&D and arrange them in any order.
[subroutine] You may pay 1[credit]. If you do not, the Runner breaches R&D. They cannot access cards in the root of R&D during that breach.
The first time you make a successful run on HQ each turn, you may expose 1 card.
[subroutine] If the attacked server is not Archives, the Runner moves to the outermost position of Archives instead of passing this ice. The Runner cannot jack out this run until after they encounter a piece of ice.
[click]: Swap 2 pieces of installed ice.
When your turn begins, if the Runner did not make a successful run during their last turn, you may place 1 advancement counter on an installed card.
When the Runner accesses The Future Perfect, you and the Runner secretly spend 0[credit], 1[credit], or 2[credit]. Reveal spent credits. If you and the Runner spent a different number of credits, prevent The Future Perfect from being stolen. Ignore this ability if the Runner accesses The Future Perfect while it is installed.
When you install Theophilius Bagbiter, lose all credits in your credit pool.
Your maximum hand size is equal to the number of credits in your credit pool.
[interrupt] → The first time you would do 1 or more net damage during each run against this server, instead you may pay 2[credit] to do 1 core damage.
You cannot use Tri-maf Contact more than once per turn.
[click]: Gain 2[credit].
When Tri-maf Contact is trashed, suffer 3 meat damage.
Use this hardware only if you have made a successful run on HQ this turn.
[click][click]: Trash 1 rezzed bioroid, clone, executive, or sysop in the root of a remote server.