Code Gate Glacier

staglore 359

Pretty much self explanatory.

30 Mar 2016 FarCryFromHuman

An Offer You Can't Refuse might be fun here, especially if you slow roll the Unorthodox Predictions. AOYCR into a Will-o'-the-Wisp is just cruel.

31 Mar 2016 hutch9514

so 12 of your 17 ice already have ETR. So why sub boost? You don't really need it. You could definitely find better cards in that slot.

31 Mar 2016 staglore

@hutch9514 To throw on a Pop-up Window or Crick. Potentially, I could have STR 4 Pop-up Window with two subs.

21 Jun 2016 The Broken Meeple

Not sure on AOYCR - most code gates just end the run, the Runner would simply aim to bounce off and not make the run successful. I also second not needing the Sub Boosts - I think those 3 slots as well as Lag Time could be spent better elsewhere. Is Orion needed? It's powerful, but for 3 influence are there any alternatives?