Eliza's Mansion

Shulmey 44

So first thing is first. Don't take this deck to a Regional Tournament.

DO take it to your local playgroup and have a LOT of fun playing it. If you want to see someone play an Atman at 8 strength, THIS is THE DECK to make it happen. And even then, it's still funny how taxing it is...

So this past week, after finishing my regional season, I wanted something new. I wanted something fresh. I wanted something with a high level of jank that was actually still somewhat functional. This deck is SO MUCH FUN.

I wanted to use Tech Startup, and thought it would be awesome to use some of those cards that spend 3 clicks to do something. Eliza's Toybox naturally came to mind and let me tell you, the ability of this deck to rez insane amounts of crazy ice is REALLY surprising. With the 3 Tech Startups and 3 Eliza's, your odds of getting one of them in your opening hand is very good. (In my 10 games of playtesting, I haven't had a game where I started without one of them, including the mulligan of course)

From there you just rez the Janus in front of the Eliza's, and then turn that server into a scoring server by putting more insane Ice in front of it. Have one more server with a single piece of Ice covering it for your IT Department's home.

The trick with this deck is to make sure that the outer piece of ice on the servers you care about is PUNISHING. So when they run and you pump the ice with IT department, it does stuff like brain damage and ending runs and my personal favorite, resolving subroutines on another piece of ice.

It's also great that very few people want to go through a Wotan just to see what you installed behind it. (It was an ABT...)

Anyways, I hope you guys have fun with this. When you want to score and don't have cash, just IT Dept. the Melange out. Let me know if there are more fun ideas you guys have for this.

8 Jun 2015 Shulmey

I forgot to mention that scoring a Mandatory Upgrades means you can install/rez any card in a single turn.