MaxX Hand Size

FryGuy 2

This runs off of MaxX's passive card advantage combined with a fair amount of recursion and resources. If you're really worried about Swordsman , you could squeeze in a Deus X somewhere.

17 Feb 2015 FreshlyCrusher

You need to make sure you don't use Levy AR Lab Access while you have Ekomind installed.

17 Feb 2015 FryGuy

It's true that you can end up losing a couple things to Levy with Ekomind out, but once you've got a loaded Overmind, you're okay going down to just an Overmind, D4v1d and some Origami.

Another trick to keep in mind is that you can Amped Up into Duggar's then play Overmind that turn before you have to lose whatever excess you had.