Some people already are suggesting that you should run this card with Dedication Ceremony for a weird Weyland FA option. However, this card is not good for that, and here is the reason why:

If you want to FA using Dedication, you want two things: a 5/3 (because scoring anything else with that much effort is not really that conductive to winning) and a way of turning an agenda face-up. Currently, there are two. Casting Call in NBN and Transparency Initiative. And, sadly, Transparency is massively worse, because it does not cover the click-cost of installation, unlike Casting Call. With CC, you can do stuff such as installing a bit of ICE click 1, then Casting-Calling/Dedicating click 2 and 3, for a very up-tempo play. TI does not allow that - furthermore, it is not even that fast. Compared to just installing and advancing manually, it only saves you one click (unless you are playing more than one Dedication Ceremony, that is trying to push through a Government Takeover through a remote, which is a beautiful, but a bit overly risky thing to do). This makes this card incredibly slow compared to CC. Furthermore, its credit-refund ability does not work with Dedication, which basically means that you are spending a click to turn an agenda face-up. Therefore, pretty much any Weyland deck trying to go for Dedication FA - which isn't that stupid of a strategy - should just stick to CCs, which not only are more click-efficient, but also give a measure of protection to your agenda.

However, there is probably some home for TI as a one or two-off in such a deck to cover situations where you don't have a CC in hand, but have a Dedication and just want to push through an agenda ASAP, and this allows you to turn it face-up after installing in case of wanting to dedicate more. This is extremely fringe, but does happen in Dedication decks (and I speak out of experience: I've been playing FA BABW extensively for past few months); however, aside from that one scenario, Casting Call is just better, influence be damned. FA decks cannot allow to slow down, and Transparency Initiative does just that - slows them down.

Plus, if you really slow-roll out a 5/3 using Dedication Ceremony, Casting Call has a really nice additional benefit of, well, doing what it does. I mean, it IS a tagging option after all and as such, at least drains some tempo from the runner. —

You see an unrezzed upgrade on HQ. You assume it is Crisium. You are blue, and no one likes their stuff getting stolen by boys in blue, so they Crisium. So, you Feint. And they, being smart players, don't actually fall for your trick and they don't rez Crisium. You waste a click.

Then you run RND, then you run Archives, then you Apocalypse.

The Feint was, in fact, a feint.

Yep, happened to me as well. I love it when a card does *exactly* what it describes. —

This will be short, but this card deserves another review.

People who call it bad are, I think, looking at it from a wrong perspective. Build Script is not a card - it is deckbuilding WD40. Any deck it is dropped into will run a bit smoother and more efficiently, as if it was well-greased. It is a deck-thinning card - you draw into it, and it replaces itself in the most efficient way possible. For a click, you gain a credit and two cards - it is like three less-than-desirable basic-action clicks rolled into one. It is really great! It is not a draw engine - it is not there so that you can fish for that one card you need - but it is a tool to, in general, draw into stuff you need to draw into faster and at a lesser overall cost. A 45 runner deck with 3 of those is like a 42 card one.

Sure, deck-thinning of this sort is worse in Netrunner than in many other card games, because you are still losing a click, which means that it is not entirely frictionless - but about as frictionless as it can get in this game. And this handles really well in play - makes your deck that much more consistent, because as long as you have it in hand, you always (0 cost) have a better alternative to those annoying "I need to click for a card/credit" moments.

And that warrants an influence cost. Would this card be too good if it did not have influence cost? Yeah, kinda - because it would not have any cost associated with it. It would literally fit in any deck that does not absolutely need all the card slots it can muster, and would make it that single bit more efficient. So, just like Deuces Wild or Process Automation it needs the influence cost, so that including it in a deck is a tradeoff. And yeah, that makes it not fit very well in many lists, which are already short on influence. That's fine. But for any deck that goes "I need to draw into cards X, Y and Z as frictionlessly as possible", this card is worthy of consideration. It makes them run just that one bit smoother. And that is always a worthy goal.

In Criminal I'd prefer Exclusive Party. I would never play Diesel outside of Shaper, but I see your point. If it cost no influence then it would be better than Diesel outside of Shaper (I often find 3 cards a bit much, 2 and a credit is a lot more versatile). OTOH, Process automation shouldn't cost an influence, because it is worse than this and Deuces. —
Sunny loves this card. —

So, this card is now on MWL-3, which is as close to an official ban list as we can get without getting an official ban-list. It is the only Corp card put in that category, which mostly includes Anarch "No You Do Not Get To Play This Game At All" toys such as Sifr (a card so foul that the code does not want to link it properly) and Rumor Mill (or The Glacier's Melt, featuring kittens). Why? What made Sensie so powerful, no, so degenerate, that it warranted itself such fine company among Netrunner's vilest?

Full disclosure here: I am a pretty new player. So, up until very recently, I have wondered about that myself. I have wondered why do you hear that if you allow Sensie to fire more than once, you have probably lost the game. So, I went and asked and learned, and now I will pass it forward. And you, who are experienced, correct me if I am spreading disinformation.

Sensie Actor Union, as a card, was one of the keypieces of the most deranged asset spam type decks. Such decks rely on getting a "critical mass" of assets out on the field, so that the Runner can't keep up with clearing them, both economically and just click-wise. When that happens, the game is going to snowball incredibly hard in Corp's favour, baring lucky HQ or R&D agenda snipes which can allow the Runner to snatch victory out of jaws of getting suffocated by about one million assets.

Sensie helps with both, immensely. First, it will allow the Corp to power-draw into other assets it needs. Three cards is a lot, and this draw is both free (0 to rez) and doesn't really consume clicks past install. This is what Anonymous Tip wishes it would be, or would wish if it was allowed within five miles of the glory that is Sensie. Filthy prole. So yes. Power draw, power draw forever.

But wait, there is more! It does not only draw. It fixes your HQ. One of the drawbacks of drawing loads as a Corp is that you are going to draw into your agendas, and they are vulnerable when in HQ. This is especially true of light-on-ICE asset spam, which generally does not pack enough security to prevent the Runner from accessing HQ. But with Sensie, that is not a problem. Because this allows you to send an agenda - which does not even have to be one of the cards you drew with it - to the bottom of R&D where it is about as safe as it is going to get, because barring shuffles (or Showing Off, but who plays that?), the Runner is not going to see it again. So all those Vanity Projects or, hell, Global Food Initiatives are secured better than behind a glacier of ice. And so the asset spam continues unimpeded, because it has everything it needs to strangle the life (and joy) out of the poor Runner. And if the Runner insists on trashing this, well, there are always Friends in High Places. Fun times.

But perhaps most sinister is the fact that the effect is very innocent-looking. A new(ish) player such as me will lose against this card not only because they don't understand the power hidden behind (plus, being taught that Anonymous Tip, they are probably going to go "well how bad AT on a stick is going to be?" while there are scarier things out there to trash), but also will not understand how failing to trash it contributed to his painful defeat. The card is obscenely powerful and very sneaky about it. And therefore, it is good for us and the future generation of ANR players that it is almost as good as gone.

You're right that the power level of the effect is bananas, and your analysis of why is spot on, but I think you're underplaying the political asset theme. They're supposed to be strong effects because they're very cheap to trash and you can't defend them with ice. Sensie is broken because 1/ It's above the curve even compared to the other political assets, 2/ It's in faction with two very strong asset spam IDs: Near Earth Hub and Controlling the Message and 3/ Political Assets are good in asset spam decks *anyway* so the one with the effect that best supports asset spam is bound to be the best, seeing as it has double synergy with the strategy. —