Retrieval Run

Retrieval Run 3[credit]

Event: Run
Influence: 2

Run Archives. If successful, instead of breaching Archives, you may install 1 program from your heap, ignoring all costs.

Someone’s trash is another’s treasure.
Illustrated by Zoe Cohen
Decklists with this card

System Update 2021 (su21)

#4 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)

No rulings yet for this card.


A solid and interesting bit of recursion, Retrieval Run may not have seen a lot of use but it is at least known as an understandable card. The main issue that it runs into is the three credit cost, and the possibility of ICE over archives increasing that cost even more. Given that Archives is very often a target of Anarch decks, that can limit when this card is useful. In addition, spending a click and three credits to install a card from the heap that may cost far less isn’t always the best economic idea.

Yet there are plenty of programs (mainly icebreakers) that cost far more than three, and this can be a smashingly good way to get them back into play if they were trashed. Combined with Inject it is even stronger - good card draw that is going to dump those expensive programs into the heap for the runner makes a strong case. Even for the now returning Yog.0 it is a discount to install, once it is in the heap, making Retrieval Run a worthwhile investment. Assuming of course, Archives isn’t too heavily ICE’d.

It is a solid card that has a few drawbacks that are entirely circumstantial, and can be worked around. Noise isn’t going to use it because of how fast Archives becomes ICE’d against him, but other runners can find it very useful.

(Chrome City era)
Its an almost essential pick for MaxX, and has done some excellent work for me. It also synergises well with Parasite. Unfortunately Crick has changed how many decks protect archives and not in a good way for this card; Crick firing to return Blacklist is particularly brutal. —

Fun and specific recursion. Iconic to anarch in that is make use of run on archive.

Why oh why would you use this? At 3, a lot of programs are cheaper to install (like Corroder). The answer is : because the best programs cost a lot!

At 2 influences, you can use this tool in any factions. There is two uses for this.

  1. As an in-faction tool to get back lost program (from SDS Drone Deployment for example). It is an expensive replacement for Simulchip. But it is free of influence for anarch. With it, you can get back any programs. Which means you can get back Botulus or Chisel and put it back on an ice! It might be more expensive than the original program, but it extend you game plan that much more! Free passage on an ice is no joke.

  2. Draw aggressively (with tools like Moshing), trash the expensive programs, and use Retrieval Run to put those programs on the board at a much lower cost.

Which program are good for such a purpose? Anything that cost more than 3, obviouly. And some of those are really good. Here are some examples :

  1. Femme Fatale, economy of 6 and will let you bypass one ice. At 1 influence, you can have 3 of them.
  2. Amina, probably the best or second best decoder of the game, an economy of 4.
  3. There is Ankusa and Mass-Driver, but you need a specific plan to use those, since they are very inefficient.

A fun combo is with Tapwrm. You lose it to any purge. Then use Retrieval Run to make a successful run on archive (a central server) to put it back on the board, to the immense frustration of the corp. You might not make up for the credits spent on the next turn (Tapwrm usually net you 1 or 2 per turn), but it create a decision point for the corp : stall you in getting credits at the cost of losing their turn, thus basically giving you 4, or watch you get rich (especially if they have 20+ credits, that is a difficult decision).

That raccoon on card is exactly what personify this card, completely in sync with the quote. Fun card.

(System Update 2021 era)

That is staggering. I was astonished by your organization. I'm happy to see a particularly subject. Benevolently go to my blog and read it.

This card is for Shapers. I think this card is Anarch because it would be too powerfull for Shapers to get it for free. This card is in particular useful early game, to install expensive programs i.e. Torch or Femme Fatale: Trash the expensive program in your discard phase, and next round Retrieval Run.

Alternative combo could include Test Run and Scavenge: Play Test Run with Torch. Scavenge by trashing Torch, and finally Retrieval Run to get Torch back. This is 3 clicks and 6 credits to get two programs worth up to 18 credits in total.

I am not quite sure how the Test Run "if it is still installed" plays together with trash and reinstall? Worst case you'll have to play the combo over two turns.

(Data and Destiny era)
Test Run + (expensive program) + Scavenge works on its own. Trash Torch as the Scavenge additional cost, then it is in your heap and you can install it again with Scavenge effect. It doesn't leave the rig afterward, since installation from Scavenge overloads the one from Test Run. —
With test run, femme, scavenge, and retrieval run in hand, you can test run for torch, scavenge torch for femme, and retrieval torch... or (with apologies for snark) for that matter you can just trust that your opponent will put ice 3 deep on R&D but be unable or unwilling to rez any of it so you can code siphon twice and then Lawyer up... cause that would also get programs installed cheaply but in a way that is unlikely to be successful on a regular basis. —