Wild Pet Shop

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vvribeiro 816

The hottest Pets on Campus. Brought to you by the Fastest Player on the Field..

Whatever, I just needed to add Shop to the title in order to gains a couple points.

I've been playing and tweaking this build for sometime now. I have absolutely no complaints. Builds fast, generates insanely amounts of cash and once it's all up, your only problem is Caprice. That's why I'm counting the seconds to put my hand on Political Operative.

As many Chameleon decks out there, I took The Novelist/Cachemeleon as an inspiration and made some changes. I'd like to highlight only a few cards.

Bookmark - Protects you against net and meat damage. If you're facing a killer Corp, keep +5 on it and you should be fine. I usually keep a Harbinger online to protect against Power Shutdown.

Levy AR Lab Access - Helps me restart my game. More money, more cash, more credits, more gold, more dollar, you got the point.

Replicator - It's a must. Whatever hardware you need. And you'll need them. Fast and furious.

The rest we all know. Technical Writer, Sahasrara, Scheherazade, Cache, etc. Basically with one click you'll gain 2, install 2 Chameleon for free and place 2 on Technical Writer. I wish I had space for Autoscripter.

Feedback is welcome!


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