Three Encryption Protocols in one! But limited to one server, and once that can't run other Regions at that. Probably for the best, since an 8-to-trash SanSan City Grid or Crisium Grid might cause a few sad faces at tournaments going forwards!
But oh, the things you could do with this server.
How about some Adonis or Eve Campaigns? You could even rez them for free using a Breaker Bay Grid, then overwrite it with Oaktown Grid. Even better, rather than trashing the Breaker Bay Grid, pull it back to hand with Blue Sun: Powering the Future - or if it's too much influence over there, keep it in HB with Isabel McGuire.
But we're thinking small. What's better than money? Time! Director Haas is an obvious target for the runner when rezzed, but if she's staying in Oaktown, she's a bit tougher to deal with. In fact, any of the top level executives could be fun to put in.
But still, there's more to be gained from this card. Because there's nothing stopping other non-Region Upgrades going in the same server. Ash 2X3ZB9CY is an annoying card at the best of times. When he costs 6 to trash, instead of 3? Red Herrings suddenly costs almost as much to trash as the agenda would be to steal. Strongbox too. Even relatively unused cards like Experiential Data may become worthwhile - it's worth trashing for 2, but is it really worth it for 5?
It's not all good, of course. While the trash cost of Oaktown Grid itself is a respectable 4 while installed, it's only 1 when it's in R&D/HQ, and that's always a weakness. And it's a card slot to boost other cards that, most of the time, are going to be support cards themselves. It could become a frequent cut 50th card.
But for the right Asset - and especially Upgrade - heavy deck that it makes it into at 49...well, the runner better hope they brought their Imps.