Hi, I'm Armand Walker. Welcome to Jackass.

Chuftbot 856

You know what's great? Account Siphon. It's a 15 credit swing for a click! That's bonkers!

You know what's not great? Clearing the tags from Account Siphon. They cost you two clicks and 4 credits unless you play some silly card like Lawyer Up. Don't you hate wasting time and money scrubbing tag after tag? Wish there was a better way?

THERE IS! It's called ignoring them. Welcome to Jackass.

This deck features 12 econ cards, 9 resources that will never stay on the board for more than a turn (so that they can't get trashed because of all your lovely tags), several useful pieces of hardware to make your runs count and keep you alive and siphoning, and 18, count 'em, eight-TEEN cards that trigger Geist's ability. In addition there's only 9 events, so Street Peddler is unlikely to pull more than one. Losing a Siphon is sad times, but there's more where that came from. Also this deck runs Desperado instead of Forger because you really don't want to have a frillion clouds out, and Desperado is just too damn good.

"But Chuft," you probably say, "what about tag punishment cards like Closed Accounts or Information Overload?"

First off, those are fitted snugly in most people's binders. Second, even if a Closed Accounts lands you have 12 econ cards. You will find a way to get that money back. I've been hit with two in one game before and still managed to headlock my opponent. I recommend hanging onto a Dirty Laundry as an emergency fund. In addition, a tagstorm deck that actually runs Closed Accounts is probably full of tagging ICE, which does absolutely nothing to you aside from add more pretty blue rectangles to your collection. Information Overload dies to Faerie, so that's not really a worry.

"But Chuft you sexy sexy man," you cry out, "what about Special Order? You're playing criminal! What if Corroder is the bottom card of your deck?"

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the 18 friggin' cards that draw Geist more cards. Plus you run 3 Spikes and 3 Clone Chips. You'll probably be fine. Probably. If you're really worried about it swap something out for a copy. Just be aware that Street Peddler will almost certainly eat it because that's how luck works.

You'll notice this deck doesn't run a Levy. That's fine. I've been running Levy in Geist since before he came out (because proxies, yo) and I don't think I've played it more than once. This Geist either runs the corp over or falls flat on his face. Geist don't need no safety net.

Have fun!

4 Aug 2015 Dydra

You miss a very important card, that all NBN tag decks play - Psychographics. Unless you keep them dead poor, you self-tagging yourself up to 12 tags is 12c away from Psycho Beal win.

P.s. yeah, I know they need 13, but you get the point.

4 Aug 2015 Chuftbot

@Dydra That was a worry early on, but I've found the pressure to be enough against tagstorm decks. It's pretty hard for someone to score that fancy Beale when you're pressuring everything.

That being said yeah, that's a risk you take. You could -1 Plascrete for +1 Paper Tripping I guess.

4 Aug 2015 steevo15

@Dydra I wouldn't say all NBN decks play Psychographics, I'd actually say it's quite rare. If you look at all the top butchershop decks right now, even from a while ago, none of them run it. It's much faster and cheaper to just scorch, even through plascretes.

4 Aug 2015 linuxmaier

Neat deck. I've always thought Desperado Geist is under played because people get lost in the connections game. I've been doing really well with my version.

Do you play much Blue Sun? That's basically the reason for the 1 special order in my deck because corroder is so important for denying them econ.

Also cannot recommend Crescentus enough. That card is nuts in this deck for keeping the denial high. It paired with Siphon really breaks Jinteki and it's such a nice Clone Chip target.

5 Aug 2015 Chuftbot

@linuxmaier I play against Blue Sun a fair amount in my meta/online. So far I've found that the deck can pull a win before Blue Sun gets to do anything especially awful, but busting through a Curtain Wall is a valid reason to add Special Order.

Crescentus was the most difficult cut to make from this list. My old lists ran it and I really want to find a way to put it back in because I love the card to death, but I honestly have no idea what to cut since this deck runs so lean.

5 Aug 2015 linuxmaier

@Chuftbot It's definitely hard to make cuts. Your deck runs a few more 3x than mine does and I think yours might benefit from it; I may try slimming down into more copies of fewer econ cards.

Crescentus, though, is too strong not to find space for, I think! I'd do -2 Plascrete for it, honestly. I don't often find I need more than one in the deck since I find it fairly quickly with all the draw. If you wanted to keep two, maybe -1 Plascrete -1 HQI? You could swap the remaining HQI for Legwork to make the single HQ multi-access card slot last a bit more (with SoT recurrance).