Andromeda foldingue

Pyjam 523

Note : In french, foldingue is an argotic word for nutty.

Today, our dear Andromeda is nuts about recurring credits. I could replace the Sure Gambles with Daily Casts but, in the starting hand, Sure Gamble is obviously better.

Since the release of Hostage, Underworld Contact has become better but still not good enough. Data Folding (Order & Chaos) solves the equation: Dyson Mem Chip provides links for Underworld Contact (and traces) and unused MU for Data Folding.

So, the deck generates up to 6 recurring credits per turn for any usage (or 10 with Desperado, let's be crazy). And very important, it starts early. No need to say how awesome it is.

In this deck, only one copy of Desperado is enough, and Logos could be a better choice.

The rest, I think, is fairly standard, except maybe for Alias. Thanks to the 3 Faerie and the Knight, no remote is safe, so Alias is enough.

3x R&D Interface + 2x HQ Interface + 2x Sneakdoor Beta, the strategy is obvious and needs no explanation.

Last changes :

3x Sure Gamble ➜ 3x Easy Mark

1x John Masanori ➜ 1x Mr. Li

23 Dec 2014 Syntax

I'd play this one.

Oh my god, I said I'd play Andromeda. ;)

23 Dec 2014 Pyjam

I'm glad you like it. ;O)