Everything is bioroid now

Shent 3

Inspired by a deck I saw Baa Ram Wu play during Ocarina 3, I've decided to try my hand at the concept and also jam random things in here to see what works and what doesn't, and this is what seemed to have the most success on jinteki.

The concept is pretty obvious - install Adjusted Matrix on Deus X, now every ice is a click + a credit per additional subroutine with e3 Feedback Implants. Professional Contacts to get the combo pieces, Hyperdriver to get more clicks, other things are there too, for reasons that sounded better in my head than they are in reality. Should probably try to fit in boomerangs and maybe grappling hooks, not really sure how.

All suggestions and pointing out of things I messed up most welcome.

Also this deck is probably jank and bad, if anything here actually works credit goes to etehr Baa Ram Wu or random chance

12 Mar 2021 m.p

Maybe -1 Stargate, -1 Deus X, -1 Hunting Grounds, -2 Kongamato, -2 Beth and +3 Self-modifying Code, +1 Adjusted Matrix, +1 Diesel, +1 Dirty Laundry and +2 either Boomerang or Grappling Hook to improve card draw, econ, consistency and add Boomerangs and Grappling Hooks?

13 Mar 2021 Shent

Currently the state of the list is:

Events: +1 Diesel +1 Dirty Laundry -2 Harmony AR Therapy -2 Peace in Our Time +3 The Maker's Eye


-1 Akamatsu Mem Chip +2 R&D Interface +2 Boomerang


+2 Grappling Hook +1 Kongamato -1 Hyperdriver -2 Stargate


-2 Earthrise Hotel -1 Kongamato

Some reasonings: this feels like it has a better chance of getting the combos and also higher consistency; Interfaces and Maker's eye feel better with the pattern of doing one run a turn. There are now more problems with econ than they used to be, but overall the performance seems to be improved. Decided not to include SMC since there's often not that much to look for, and also econ struggles. This might be a huge mistake - but then again, the only program really needed here is the Deus Ex, adn with Proco and diesels there seems to be enough draw to get it reliably.

14 Mar 2021 Baa Ram Wu

Hey! Thanks for the shoutout - and gland you had a bit of fun with this one.

I defo like the boomerang includes here, looking at what you have changed above, I think keeping 1 stargate could be an important win con (although the change to RDi & Makers eye could do it for you - just awkward if you draw the Makers eyes before you're ready to break into R&D as it's not a fast rig to set up.

Hopefully you don't run into a bunch of people playing Ikawa Project like I did at Ocorina! ;)

14 Mar 2021 Shent

Hey, thanks for the inspiration! The concept seemed so obvious in retrospect that I was a tad upset with myself for not finding it sooner, but hey, at least I got it before Haley rotates =)

Yeah, I was really hesitant on the stargate cut, but so far the pattern has been of losses to fast-scoring corps anyways, and the influence freed up lets me put in boomernags, which do carry a lot of games. Still needs more testnig though.

14 Mar 2021 mr_pelle

Hi Shent and Baa! This is my take on the deck: netrunnerdb.com ;)