The Golden Foundry 1.1

danimalx 30

Newest Version:

NEXT is great, in theory.

In practice, Next can suffer until late-game when you have enough NEXT rezzed that things become expensive. Even then, the runner is usually built out to the point where NEXT don't really hurt as much as they could. Also, ETR means the runner is hoping you rez, since a poor corp is often a defenseless corp.

The Foundry is great, in theory.

In practice, The Foundry fills your hand to breaking with ice you can't afford to rez. In the meantime, your R&D is become pure, concentrated Things That Are Not Ice (read: agendas).

The Goal

The primary goal of this deck is to use Amazon Industrial Zone and Executive Boot Camp to keep the ice moving and aggressively rezzed WITHOUT killing your econ. No more HQ constipation! No more watching the runner wave as he walks past your ice.....all game.

The secondary goal is the wormhole + NEXT Gold combo. NEXT Gold means the runner can't assume a NEXT deck isn't going to hurt. It's going to hurt, now. Wormhole means you can trigger NEXT Gold from unexpected places on the map, whichever subroutine hurts most at that point in the game.

Other card notes

  • The Clearance cards pull double-duty econ and card draw.
  • Jackson is there in case everything goes wrong and you need an escape clause OR your NEXT ice is trashed.
  • Cyberdex is a nice mid-run counter to datasucker, and might be nice now that Clot exists.
  • The traps are there to make the runner think twice about just camping for cards with advancement tokens before running.
  • Everything else is either instant credits, rainy-day credits (Shell Corp) or econ pressure relief (Cyberdex and Amazon).

Notes for future changes:

  • Wormhole may be too cute or too obvious
  • Cyberdex Virus Suite may be overkill, but it feels right.

Change log

  • 1.1 : +1 Aggressive Secretary, +1 Cerebral Overwriter, -1 Restructure, -1 Eli 1.0. Reasoning: once this deck plays more than once, your opponent will just camp until advancement tokens show up. Added 2 traps to make the runner hesitant to run every time.
30 Mar 2015 mjortman

I would consider 1 or 2 Corporate Troubleshooters, to go with NEXT Gold. You can basically make it impossible (aside from a Femme or possibly D4v1d) for a runner to get around a BUNCH of net damage and program destruction. It's pretty easy to imagine getting 3+ programs killed off (like, their entire breaker suite), too, which is pretty cool. "Here let me reset your entire board for you". Or, if they aren't running Net Shield or some other net damage protection, then with 6+ NEXT ice you just win. I also think that Chronos Project has a spot with NEXT Gold, though it's hard to fit in many 1-pointers to capitalize on it.

Dunno...that might change your deck too much from what you were going for, but it's a thought.

I hadn't thought about Amazon Industrial Zone, but that's brilliant with this ID. Definitely need to consider that in the Foundry deck I was working on. Installing a Silver for free, then going to get another one, is just cool.

Someone mentioned it in the Indy Netrunner's page, but Thomas Haas is a favorite of mine as a "trap" too. It's one of the very few that you just flat-out can't lose on. If they run, trash it and get money. If they don't run on it, trash it and get money. The comment about advanceable traps is spot-on, that it takes a lot of resources to HOPEFULLY bait someone in to running it. I've veered away from advanceable traps unless I'm playing Trick of Light (or maybe Plan B) for that reason.

I love the Architect include too. Great way to get back the easily-Parasited NEXT ice. Mother Goddess is great too, because of the way it works with NEXT ice. Cool deck, and I like it a lot!

30 Mar 2015 danimalx

Thanks Matt!! I'd like to make sharpshooter fit, but having trouble with space in the deck. I did make some change in 1.2 (see "inspiration for," on the left) based on FB comments. I agree the traps were too expensive in click and cash terms. One of the other things I'm going to try is 2x Saggitarius instead of the 2x Rototurrets.

30 Mar 2015 mjortman

I really like Sagittarius as well. I think it can really open up some scoring windows, especially against people running 1-of some of their breakers. Will-o'-the-Wisp works in a similar way.

Looking forward to seeing it next league. :)

1 Apr 2015 skydivingninja

I had never considered pairing Wormhole with Gold. That's awesome! Totally stealing that.

My biggest concern is the possibility of getting screwed over with so many 5/3's. And if you are going with 5/3's shouldn't you have Ash for added protection?

1 Apr 2015 danimalx

@skydivingninja Thanks for the feedback! I have a newer version that has Ash and Will-o-the-wisp in it for exactly the reasons you mentioned. Here's the link: