Iceless Exchange

Diogene 4240

This is as good as I could get it for the NBN faction in the iceless archetype. There is a malicious kind of fun to stealing agendas instead of scoring them.

Of all the corp faction, NBN is the worse (in my opinion) for the iceless archetype. It still work, but less consistently than other factions.

Mulligan plan : No 3 points agendas in hand.

Try as I might, sticking a Hard-Hitting News against rich runner is really difficult, when you do not have ices to grind the credits of the runner. But sticking a single tag is much easier.

Why does that matter? Because we have another problem, which is how to score agendas and win. There is nothing to stop the runner from checking every centrals and servers. You can import ambushes, but they do not let you kill the runner, at least not with the influence needed.

So why not let the runner score the big agendas, and then we steal them. Economic Warfare and Public Trail create the same credit differential (4 in the corp favor). If you can float a tag, you can exchange an agenda. This is why you have Echo Chamber and 15 Minutes.

If you can score the AR-Enhanced Security early, it makes things a bit harder for the runner.

Note that other ways were tried : Punitive Counterstrike, but they were not effective. BOOM!, with Hard-Hitting News, was difficult to stick. Maybe if the deck was focused on getting rich. But it is difficult to outrun a runner economy (not impossible, just difficult).

You have Crisium Grid to deal with Stargate and Diversion of Funds. In the case of Stargate, don't forget to put a Prisec or Mumbad Virtual Tour on archive.

All the recursion help keep the agendas diluted in R&D.

There are advantages to the iceless archetype : It nullify about half the deck of the runner. This is why the runner will have to frantically search their decks for credits and multiaccesses, while you get your pieces in place.

Like all iceless decks, if the runner does not recognize the archetype and setup their board with ice breakers, you'll feel like you just pull a good bluff.

That was a fun personal challenge, I hope you enjoy the deck like I did.
