Sailor Haaga

Fanakito 15

My starting point was Bridgeman's Hoshiko list but after playing so much against Brân and hearing (I believe it was in the QtM podcast) that the knife was sick I moved my influence from Unity around to play it.

I have played against Maw and it surely is effective but I don't seem to be able to use it well, so I thought on playing the Keiko and rely on The Twinning as my winning condition.

2xPinhole Threading and Hannah "Wheels" Pilintra are sort of tech against Skunkvoid and asset spam. I got paranoid last minute of not using all the influence and ended up puting 2x Paricia

Cards that didn't make it

  • Bahia Bands I wanted to play it because it felt good in EMEA Continentals but in all the testing games I didn't pay off big
  • Earthrise Hotel it was my first try for DreamNet replacement but while pretty good card, many times it was forcing me to play around it.

Tournament Results

The deck played pretty well but didn't end up winning with it on the Swiss I got first swept by AxWill's Asa (and then back in the Finals), got a bye and then managed to win lategame against ozzi's Outfit. I tunnel visioned in the losers bracket, I scored early 5 points and then I kept running R&D because Roppa had a super safe remote, but could have won if I would have tried running HQ (had almost full hand of agendas there).