An interesting tutor effect from the new "tags-as-currency" design space (see also Keegan Lane), as part of a tagstorm deck Lily could allow you to spend a whole turn (tutor-draw-play) to find the most punishing tool from your arsenal (Bad Times/Big Brother/Closed Accounts/Freelancer/The All-Seeing I)
For a slower pace, she lets you search up your Psychographics or other key operations for a big move the next turn. Optional jank synergy is when you already have Accelerated Diagnostics in hand, you can guarantee top-decking 24/7 News Cycle to recharge your AstroScript without paying the additional cost.
At worst she's an Anonymous Tip for 2 credits with the option that you can postpone the draw, until the runner checks your remotes. With the added niché role in protecting R&D for a turn if you haven't been able to land more than 1 tag (outside of Eddie or Imp).
Bringing another new subtype: character, she's also immune to Unregistered S&W '35, I guess that's a benefit? I mean, unlike poor Ronald Five... maybe Friendship Upgraded is reality TV...