Huge barrier out of the faction with the best of 'em for a cheap as dirt price! It's a weird reverse Fire Wall, starting at essentially 5 strength, then going down and down until you get to "very expensive Vanilla" territory. But for like 3 runs, it's not bad!
To keep it strong, it's probably best in a server that won't get run often, like Archives or a scoring remote, and definitely best as the innermost ice so the runner can't just bounce off it three times and make it a 2 Corroder challenge in one turn. The less they run, the better this remains, so cards like Enhanced Login Protocol or MCA Austerity Policy, while out of faction, are great. In faction, Weyland has plenty of implicit threat with IDs like Argus: Shootboys Inc. and The Outfit: Chicago Stereotypes, and sometimes that's all the threat you need to force careful runs only.
Obviously Cyberdex Virus Suite is seriously good with this card! Also, Reverse Infection doesn't just work on Runner cards with virus tokens, so if you've got your deck stacked with Stones it might be a fun splash to do some pseudo-damage (if you're jonesing for some low-quality jank). Keep it far away from Chisel, as it'll die at double speed!
I'd say the best decks to use this with are kill decks that prey on a single taxing must-run turn and massive glacier decks that can take the tempo hit of a purge turn with relative ease. Fast Advance still has Border Control to completely stop a run or Gatekeeper for 3 of limited time power with draw. An interesting new ice to be sure!