PP Kit & the Inversificator Slide (4th@Linköping H2 CO)

Reverse 50

This is based on Loki37's Pre-paid Kit and the Inversificator Slide, which I updated after the rotation of Flashpoint. Fortunately none of the core parts of the deck rotated out (ie the breakers suite, if you can call it that).

I added a DJ Fenris which can provide a Quetzal: Free Spirit for even easier breakage (there's quite a lot of barriers in Standard right now where breaking one sub is enough), or a Steve Cambridge: Master Grifter, which is generally useful.

I also added a Trickster Taka because breaking is expensive and we need all the help we can get (plus Mystic Maemi from the original deck was overkill, what with 3 PPVPs). Also bumped up the Teleworks to 3, making it an actual econ backbone, rather than a circumstantial bonus.

On the tournament it performed pretty weirdly. It won one out of two games, and in both games it didn't really do what it is meant to do: in the game it won I never even saw a Prepaid VoicePAD, so I paid full price for all events, and got lucky with R&D accesses (sorry SciCat). In the game it lost it was apparent that it's not built to deal with asset spam. I attacked a couple of wrong servers and missed a Reaper Function that killed me (playing against cableCarnage's NEH deck).

All in all I'm just thrilled to have gone to a tournament with only decoders and not come out last. Thanks to the organizers and to all the wonderful folks who were there and made the whole thing fun!


Recent tweaks

I recently made the following changes:

Possible tweaks

  • Mass-Driver is awesome but perhaps 2x Inversificator might be better. They would allow us to do the Inversificator Shuffle twice (either on the same server if it's really deep, or different ones). I don't want to make this change but it might be better in a more competitive environment.
  • K2CP Turbine might be better than Gebrselassie. But it needs more careful Sparks.