1% Inspiration, 99% Perspiration

WardOfTheWoods 711

"Thomas Edison once said that genius was 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. I think I've calculated it to be closer to .9345612% inspiration, actually." - The Professor

The Professor is probably my favorite Runner identity in the whole game, but until recently I had no idea how to build him. I hadn't really built decks on my own before, since I started playing Netrunner around the time that Honor and Profit came out. Now that I've started deckbuilding more frequently, I felt that it was finally time to make The Professor.

Econ: Freelance Coding Contract and Magnum Opus are the superstars of the deck. There are 20 total programs in the deck, meaning that 15 can be trashed with FCC before you need to think about using Levy AR Lab Access for recursion. So, in a nornal game I will usually use Quality Time before using FCC to get the maximum effect from it. Aesop's Pawnshop is in there as a one-of in case you need to make more room for progams down the road and Kati Jones should always have a spot in Runner decks.

Recursion: Levy AR Lab Access, Scavenge and Test Run are the primary means of program recursion. Quality Time guarantees that I hit one relatively quick, then I can hold on to it for later.

Programs: I've seen Professor builds in the past that didn't abuse his awesome ability. In this deck, you definitely get your influence's worth. The lone influence in the deck is slotted for Datasucker, which helps out the Dinosaurus/Morning Star combo, to get through those pesky barriers along with Paintbrush. The deck has multiple means of accessing agendas, whether it's Keyhole or Sneakdoor Beta combined with R&D Interface, Medium and Nerve Agent. The icebreakers include the centrals from Criminals and other classics. They're all relatively cheap to use and generally don't take up too much memory, which can be a problem for this deck.

In playtesting on OCTGN, the deck has been very solid, only having lost to a Fast Advance Cerebral Imaging build and a NEXT Design deck that managed to get a Wotan in front of an Archer and then 5 other ICE. The deck as a whole is very fun, though, and I will be tinkerig with it in the coming months as the Lunar cycle comes out.

26 Jul 2014 okletsgo

Have you tried Leprechaun over CyberSolutions? With MO, Paintbrush, SMC, Keyhole, and SDB it seems like you could really make use of it. Plus its cheaper and can be tutored with SMC and sold with FCC.

I agree though, Professor is getting strong.

27 Jul 2014 WardOfTheWoods

I am definitely adding Leprechaun eventually, I don't feel comfortable dropping the Memory Chips entirely, however, thanks to Bad Times being a thing now.