Sewing Kit

CodeMarvelous 20021

Multi threader makes femme and studyguide way easier to use. Run efficiently and lock RD hard.

17 Nov 2015 Bigguyforyou518

This seems quite strong - a scavengable Femme can foil big nasty or on-encounter ice that make single-server strategies problematic.

I think you might either want to switch to a different fracter (Snowball possibly), or include more recursion (or even a single Levy AR Lab Access) to deal with Blue Sun or anyone who was teching for Kate (which should be most smart players). Repeated runs through Curtain Wall, Hive, and Spiderwebs will chew up your Ladies really fast.

17 Nov 2015 GrantZilla1979

I've started running a lot more Will-o'-the-Wisp to deal with 'that one breaker' thanks to having all sorts of fun with @Bigguyforyou518's All Code Gates All The Time deck.

Maybe a Test Run or two wouldn't be bad here to counter that.

17 Nov 2015 CodeMarvelous

Thats a thought @GrantZilla1979