House of Flying Kenmas

Chuftbot 856

This deck is the result of half-asleep deckbuilding the night before a GNK. It won though, so that's neat.

The win condition of this deck is to land all your run events while barely having to break ICE. The ideal combo for remotes is DDoS and Inside Job, which means the corp can only make you encounter the third piece of ICE in a server and they have to rez the second to do it. It's gross and unfair and no corp wants to deal with that.

Turns out The Maker's Eye, Legwork, and Account Siphon are really good cards. They're even better when you don't have to drag your inefficient crim breaker suite through an awful HB server to land them. Whenever you draw your good cards, drop DDoS from hand and enjoy three free runs. Don't feel bad about playing more than one run event per turn, Ken's credit is not worth staggering them when you can get in for free.

So if we're only playing Ken optimally half the time, why use Ken at all? A few reasons:

  • 2 extra influence means you can run 3 DDoS, and that's funny.

  • Hipster cred yo

  • I got an alt-art Ken in a trade and wanted to use it.

Let me know what you would change. There's probably a real deck here, but hell if I know what to change.

16 Nov 2015 SlayerCNV
16 Nov 2015 linuxmaier

Did you try this in Leela at all? I like Ken's credit for the run events, but I wonder if bouncing the ICE that they have a hard time rezzing could be more punishing. You'd lose 2 inf, though, which would probably come down to swapping out the Makers with 2 RDI?

16 Nov 2015 DarlingSensei

DDoS works really well in Leela but she doesn't have enough influence to run a critical mass of them along with multi-access and workable breakers. Ken's extra influence is actually pretty important for this setup.

I realize Ken is all about Maker's Eye, but try Medium for R&D multi access. One unrezzed ice on R&D and dropping medium/DDoS is quite solid.

16 Nov 2015 W4lt3r B15h0p

I grew to love Ken when I was playing Comet with him. I run Desperado instead these days. IMO you need some form of recursion particularly if you run into some nasty sentries or Power Shutdown.

17 Nov 2015 Chuftbot

@SlayerCNV FIS is really strong before a siphon. It's not really there for draw as much as it's for additional pressure and flooding the corp. FIS, Siphon, Legwork is an amazing turn. Planned Assault is a bit too click intensive for my tastes and it's expensive. Regarding Lawyer Up, I went tag-me in every game so it doesn't really fit my needs. Potentially good though.

@linuxmaier Leela is almost certainly better. She's a really strong ID. I only tested this in Ken since I was determined to make use of him. I really like the third DDoS for consistency though, so I'm not sure if she's the right fit for this deck.

@DarlingSensei The only thing that worries me about Medium is telegraphing my gameplan and the corp adding additional ICE on R&D before I'm ready to DDoS. Otherwise yeah, Medium wins games and Ken can fit it easily. I would probably go for two copies and an extra Bank Job to fill in the third slot.

@W4lt3r B15h0p So normally I'd be terrified to run without any clone chips, but I found that having a second breaker of each type was enough. I actually had to deal with a SYNC deck that ran Keegans but still managed to keep a functioning suite together. A dedicated program trashing deck would be a problem, but those are kinda rare.