Tagman Boom: 13th & King of Swiss @ UK Nats 22

secondskin 76

Tagman Boom: 13th & King of Swiss @ UK Nats 22

Thanks to my opponents, TOs, and everyone I met for a great weekend.

Feels very surreal to make King of Swiss at my first proper tournament, I've set the bar pretty high for myself for future events, hope I will make the cut again in 2023.

The Deck

It felt to me like NBN, R+ in particular, had been the best corp throughout this competitive season from APAC to Worlds.

Still having their FFG big box expansion in rotation and having two strong 40/15 IDs that pair well with a 6 card agenda suite of Bellona and Degree Mill is such a strong position to be in, and I haven't even mention Drago yet.

I went back and watched through Sokka's APAC videos to try and understand how the original version of this prison deck worked and get its win con down, before then making the changes that more recent iterations have also done to include the BOOM! and La Coast-a Grid to have a BOOM! backup plan. In the end, all my wins in swiss were from BOOM! (if I remember correctly) and it worked out much better in my favour if the runner stole the agenda rather than I lose tempo trying to score it out.

I played around with the Ice suite leading up to the tournament, even dropping a BOOM! to bring in an Ansel 1.0 and trying to make other NBN sentries work like F2P, but in the end I felt Enigma was the best for a cheap end the run non-barrier to help stick the prison early.

The Matches

Despite winning all my matches with R+ in swiss, they certainly weren't steam rolls (except against tagme Zahya, sorry), but most matchup ended quite similarly by getting Drago setup early, tag punish their board and then build up some counters on drago with boom in hand.

The matchup against Rob in the cut was a different story, he got 2 Fermenters down in turn 1 and although I had my Drago, I couldn't find an SGP to wipe them out, nor could I setup a server that was taxing enough to stop Rob from coming in to trash Drago.