I'm editing this review because I've had a change of heart on T-Bolt. Not in Standard, it doesn't stand a chance there, but in Startup. You can score the new 3/1, derez a Tithe, and make your nastiest ice all the better. Just good wholesome purple fun.


This ID may be bad, but at least it shows Null Signal have some interesting ideas. I’d rather they took a swing and missed than played it safe with constant variations of ‘gain 1<span class="icon icon-credit"></span>’.

For sure

Posted early, thanks mobile! I want to be clear that this was in standard. I actually really like T-bolt in Startup, you can do some nasty things and runners are less capable of fully circumventing it.

Been a minute, huh?

So I come back to Netrunner after a few years and find out that they let me run 6 copies of Inside Job now? God I love Criminal.

Yeah I read the card, I see that it says "centrals" on it, but come on. Mercury doesn't care. I need y'all to understand how many servers I have multiaccessed that I absolutely did not deserve to even touch. Why learn all the new ICE in the game when you can just do a sick vault over it?

Back in the day you used to have to splash DDoS to pull the kind of shenanigans this lets you do in-faction. Forget the good old days, the current ones are gooder.


I'm going to write a real review about this card because it's fantastic and deserves it. Let's break down what this card does if you decide to fire it:

1) Draw 3 cards.

2) Pick ANY CARD from your hand and bottom it.

3) Take your mandatory draw, netting 3 cards.

In and of itself this is basically a much faster, non-mandatory DBS that costs nothing to rez. It may be easier to trash, but it's still a tax for the runner. However, this becomes even more disgusting when combined with Museum of History. At the start of your turn you can choose the order that the cards fire, meaning you can do this:

1) Choose x cards in archives (= to # of Museums) and shuffle them into R&D.

2) Draw 3 cards and bottom one, guaranteeing that whatever you bottom (for example GFI will never get touched by the runner unless they force a shuffle or Show Off.

3) Net your 3 cards. Keep in mind that stuff that your excess cards can easily be shuffled back in.

This card is real.

so, maybe, the repeated Pharmachy sign in the background wasn't just for show —

Hostile Infrastructure is a damn funny 1/2-of in horizontal decks. With the growing popularity of Apoc in various aggro decks rezzing one of these after their third central run is surprisingly effective.

Think about it from the runner's perspective. They just finished making all the runs, probably didn't see many cards, likely spent a bunch of money to do it, and now they have to go knock over your stupid spiky castle instead of blowing everything up? UUUUUUUGH NO.

Not to mention that they're eating the net damage from trashing it last click. This can add an extra point of damage for a potential flatline. —
I love the description "stupid spiky castle"! —
Can't they choose to trash it before the other cards? —

I think the cards are trashed all at the same time. I don´t know whether hostile infrastructure would see its trigger condition tho

So this piece of ICE is pretty dumb.

Without its second sub it's Hunter for an extra credit. That's pretty bad, but as soon as you put a current on the table things go off the damn rails. A 2 cost 4 str tag/etr sentry is bonkers. Here are the costs to get through News Hound on all the killers printed as of D&D:

Alias: 4

Cerberus "Cuj.0" H3: 4

Creeper: 6

Dagger: 1 stealth, 2

Faerie: 2

Femme Fatale: 6

Garrote: 4

GS Shrike M2: 4

Mimic: 1 sucker, 2 creds

Ninja: 5

Pipeline: 8 and a bucket of your own tears

Shiv: 3 other breakers

Switchblade: 2 stealth

So basically, the only things that get through this dog reasonably are Mimic/Sucker, stealth breakers, and Faerie. Everything else pays at least double the rez cost.

TL;DR, NBN just got one of the best pieces of ICE in the game. Arf arf.

It's easy to see how ludicrous this ice is in Sol (or anywhere else with a current running) by comparing it to Eli. It's a credit cheaper, a sentry (generally better than a barrier), can't be clicked through, and is taxing on facecheck (!). This ice alone probably makes Sol the best of the DnD corp factions. —
Someone mentioned on another piece of ICE that it depends on a current being in play, NOT on a Corp current being in play. Thus the Runner cannot disable it by overriding with a Current of their own. This is also true for News Hound. —
4tman might be the most popular counter to this (aside from Mimic/sucker). —
What? No Gingerbread? —