Fairchild 3.0 Asa (aka "PD-Asa" - 2nd Revision)

ClosDeLaRoche 769

This is a refined version of my "FC3 Asa" deck. The changes are made after more playtesting and I believe this is close to as good as I can make it. Notes on the changes:

1) Less ice in general. 13 or 14 feels perfect for the deck. If I were to consider a change to the ice suite from here it might be one less Hagen for a Magnet as you don't want your ice Botulus'ed. IP Block got cut for Border Control. Sometimes the deck had trouble closing out the game and BC helps this. Turtle hate is light but not non-existent in the form of 3x Hagen and a Mavirus.

2) Tranq Grid replaces Hedge Fund.

3) Play 3x Skunk. You want one early and one will get trashed.

4) 1x Nico because Marilyn is better. 1 more trash cost and the shuffle make her a 3x.

5) Finally, the weird card: Biotic Labor. I played a couple games against someone on Jnet last night who was strongly against this include. This could be a Sprint, Ansel, Magnet or 2nd Nico. But hear me out; it's your 4th Seamless that can FA a Vitruvius or Luminal. Wouldn't you rather have that than a 14th piece of ice? Sometimes your plan fails: you're on 5 points and your Void got Pinholed, your BC Imp'ed, you got Apoc'ed, the runner is remote camping on 30 credits, whatever. You need a way out of this disaster and Biotic is the answer. It's the same idea as 1x Audacity in an Argus deck.

A note on piloting: Always score Vitruvius with the counter. Getting your Seamless, Fully Op, Void, whatever back is worth thinking of this as a 4/2. Never-Advancing Vitruvius then Seamless-Advance-Advance basically turns you into PD.

That and do your best to score a Food as your second or final agenda. Scoring 2x Offworld, a Luminal and Biotic out the Vitruvius isn't bad by any means, but the best-case victory scenario is to score only three agendas.

This is probably not top-tier. However, it is very solid and fun to play. I played Sports at my latest Store Champ and sure it's strong but jeez is it boring. FC3 Asa makes for more exciting Netrunner.

Cheers and enjoy the deck, -Clos

16 Aug 2022 Diogene

It was a pleasure to play against this deck. Here is my take on it. I like the idea of a 4th Seamless Launch, but I favored Vulnerability Audit.

Thanks for sharing, it was a great inspiration!

17 Aug 2022 ClosDeLaRoche

I tried a game with Big Deal in place of the Biotic Labor. I was on 5 points, got Apoc'ed. Big Deal in the bin with a counter on Vitruvius. Turn begins, Marilyn ticks me up to 7 credits, and draw a Vitruvius. Next turn I lose. So yes, I will defend my Biotic Labor include :)

BTW on 1x Void and 1x BC over 2x BC: a SkunkVoid server is what got me to 5 points. Yeah the Void gets Pinholed easily but you know, sometimes it doesn't and scores you points. I don't think "the runner techs against it" is a convincing argument to not play an amazing card.

17 Aug 2022 Diogene

With Project Vitruvius, Biotic Labor is a good call. I'm finding myself a bit on the poor side and I think I'll try Tranquility Home Grid, instead of Sprint.

Personally, I prefers a second Border Control as opposed to Anoetic Void. It feel one point of influence and work against more runner tech cards (but not against Hippo, so it is a preference).

I'll play with the archetype some more. Thanks for your insights.

9 Aug 2023 AvaJackson

You're not only taking part in a game when you play geometry dash breeze you're taking part in a community as well. You should appreciate those who have been on this trip before and those who are currently on it, share your experiences, and learn from other participants.