Business As Usual

Business As Usual 0[credit]

Operation: Gray Ops
Influence: 1

Resolve 1 of the following:

  • Place 1 advancement counter on each of up to 2 installed cards you can advance.
  • Remove all virus counters from 1 installed card.

Threat 3 → You may also resolve the other mode. (This ability is active if any player has 3 or more agenda points.)

Don’t think about it. You’ll sleep better.
Illustrated by Oliver Morit
Decklists with this card

Rebellion Without Rehearsal (rwr)

#128 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)

Ah, Shipment from Kaguya, you were never a competitive card, but you are even more beautiful than you were on the day you rotated.

Seriously though, it is better and worse than Mavirus at the same time. I appreciate that it is untrashable and it is a small influence save for Weyland, but at the same time it only be used on the corp's turn.

Easily splashable at 1 influence, it isn't too strong even when both modes are resolved and it somewhat requires you to build around it. I don't expect this card to see a lot of play, but I imagine it can be quite satisfying to restart your own Sandstone for one click. A clutch purge of Aumakua when the runner doesn't expect it seems like the peak Business As Usual.

Now that Vladisibirsk City Grid exists, Business As Usual is in fact a fast advance tool with an asterisk. Provided you already have a single counter on the Vlad Grid, you can place one counter on it and the other on the agenda, resulting in getting both advancements from Business As Usual on the agenda.

(Rebellion Without Rehearsal era)