Not the Same Old Kit

matiez 2

This is my "training deck". Kit's ability allows me to run early and often. The events keep me going and help build my rig faster.

Sure Gamble probably isn't necessary, but I always wish I had it when it's missing from my deck.

29 Mar 2016 DarkMite2

I started to write a couple of suggestions, but it got a bit long. The main thing I did was drop Account Siphon and used the influence to add a Mongoose and Clot. There are a couple other tweaks, but you can see for yourself. GL!

29 Mar 2016 Troubleshooter

Kit is my favorite, and you've got a pretty solid deck here. Lots of memory usage, which I assume is why you put in Maya - more for the MU than the ability. If that's the case, you might consider replacing 3x Maya with 3x NetChip (assuming you have Business First). If you get two of them out, they can host Paintbrush and Magnum Opus, leaving room to SMC your breakers in.

29 Mar 2016 matiez

I like the changes you made. The only reason Account Siphon is in here is because it's unexpected. I usually float the tags, since the deck is already click starved. Dropping Account Siphon and Paintbrush for Mongoose and another Clone Chip seems like the right move. I never use Paintbrush since I don't have the MU to fit it into my rig. Clot is also nice addition.

My changes: -1 Paintbrush, -1 Account Siphon, -1 Quality Time, -1 Stimhack. +1 Cyber-Cypher, +1 Mongoose, +1 Clot, +1 Clone Chip

29 Mar 2016 matiez

@Damien Stark That is a brilliant idea! The plan was to use Maya for both, but I have yet to actually install the console during a game. I liked the idea of NetChip and I think this would be an excellent use for it. I always like using the new cards!

29 Mar 2016 Troubleshooter

If you're ditching Paintbrush, I would also consider replacing Magnum Opus with Resource econ. Kati Jones goes really well with Kit's "only run once per turn" ability, at which point either Professional Contacts or Symmetrical Visage is a better replacement for Mopus.

You can get into a pretty solid rhythm of "click 1 Proco, click 2 install something, click 3 run, click 4 Kati" so you're applying constant pressure without falling behind on your economy or your rig.

29 Mar 2016 DarkMite2

IMHO - Don't drop Magnum Opus. There's nothing like clicking for 6 - 8 per turn. Just staring at a Corp's remote with 30+ in your pool and daring them to put a card down or threatening a hard R&D lock. GL!

29 Mar 2016 OneFabric

I'm pretty new to the competitive scene, but I was wondering if dropping Account Siphon for Inside Job would work better for you. I was wondering this because Inside Job works well with Rielle "Kit" Peddler: Transhuman's ability.

29 Mar 2016 Troubleshooter

@lroach2 If you spend a few turns just clicking Mopus to get rich, you've surrendered the one thing Kit has going for her - early and constant pressure. "I can get through one layer of any gear check ICE and don't fear your sentry" is what you're giving up 5 influence for. If you blow that installing Mopus and durdling, they just install Wall of Static with an Enigma in front of it and go back to their scoring plan. That's not to say Mopus is worthless, but if you keep running and installing, I'd rather click Kati for 3c once a turn (with a free credit from my card draw off of Symmetrical Visage or Professional Contacts) instead of spending 5c and 2 MU to install Mopus and click it once per turn for 2c.

Now Mopus with Vamp, that's a different story. That can be brutal, but it's not this deck.

IMHO Magnum Opus works better for setting up power turns where you run several times, which just isn't Kit's style.

@OneFabric I would think Inside Job throws away Kit's ability, not synergizes with it? First ICE you encounter becomes a code gate, then you skip past it rather than break it with your beloved decoder?

29 Mar 2016 DarkMite2

@Damien Stark - We have different Run styles. I prefer to Draw or Play Card / Run / Opus / Opus on a typical turn. I don't think either of our strategies are wrong, we are just different runners, even using the same ID. =)

29 Mar 2016 OneFabric

@Damien Stark I think you're right... Inside Job doesn't work well with her ability in the way I was thinking, but on second thought, doesn't it give multiple accesses to a server with just 1 ice, strategy wise? The first time, use her ability to break with decoder. On the second run, use inside job to run again successfully!

29 Mar 2016 Troubleshooter

@OneFabric That's a fair point; one great card that Kit can't normally get much use from is Indexing, because the second run is blocked. Inside Job would let you go back in to get what you just saw. But I'm not sure it's worth the card slot and influence in this case. Better to focus on being devastating with your single run each turn (Account Siphon and Legwork here do that) that hope for a few Event cards so you can run twice.

@lroach2 fair enough. Happy Opusing!