The Invincible Whizzard v2 (with explanation on the changes)

Solforger 242

After playing the original deck ( a bunch more I made some minor changes. Let me explain.

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  • Not a change but once again I'd like to stress the importance of getting this card early after some people questioned its usefulness. This card will run your deck, make it consistent in regards to rig building, sustaining econ, getting to your tricks. I'm to the point where I will mulligan if i do not see pro con or hostage.


  • I took out a dirty laundry for 1 infiltration. You have to get a bit lucky with the timing but if you have infiltration in your hand late game and have to decide on a huge taxing run on corp matchpoint this card can save you a bunch of money. Also: the corp will think twice before playing another trap in that remote. Added this after running three times on a snare in a remote against a jinteki corp on matchpoint.


  • Ice carver helps a bunch with your mimc and yog, especially when you don't get your datasucker out early. And even with your datasucker out it increases efficiency and saves clicks.


  • took out a corroder to make room for 1 ice carver


  • took out all imps (1 to make room for the 2nd ice carver) and replaced them with parasites. Now the parasites serve a specific purpose. They are here to destroy 1 or 2 key big ice in the middle game on a CENTRAL SERVER with the help of datasucker tokens. They synergize with ice carver and can save you a bunch of money. Just resist the temptation to use them on cheap early ice like quandary, ice wall or even pop-up window, you have your breakers for those.

  • took out the keyholes and replaced them with mediums. I did this for two simple reasons: 1. a medium takes up only 1 MU (so you can run both medium and nerve agent) and 2. i scored more agendas using medium than keyhole, simple as that! You will lose a nice trick against Jintecki decks but against other corp decks medium is more effective, especially late game. Remember you can always determine how many cards you want to access with Medium before accessing against Jinteki!