Filthy Richiago

zafuri 36

This deck is built to prepare for the post rotation format. Currently I've no idea how post rotation Corp decks would look like, but I'm building around Gabriel Santiago's ability.

The deck is simple: You run hard, gain hard, and then make the Corp poor. Account Siphon will do the job for you. Same Old Thing wasn't at 3 copies initially but I want to stick close to the game plan ... So I went up to 3 copies. You can recur a lot other events too. Employee Strike is there to really wreak havoc.

For the resources, I stick to the bare basics. Earthrise Hotel for card draws. Film Critic to battle against Jintekis with Obokata, Hades Shard might be a little off here and could be much better with Noise but I'm leaving the options open, not sure I would want it just yet. Aaron Marrón I decided to put it at 1 until "tag boom" decks are becoming a serious threat. Citadel Sanctuary acts as the second Aaron and provides me different angles to attack "tag boom" kill decks. Hope its enough to make them struggle, not to mention 3 Employee Strike up there.

The hardware is straightforward. Same old Desperado. The reason why I wanted to make Gabriel very very rich (Am not sure the build is right) is because I wanted to make use of the "hawk" programs. Golden, Peregrine, Saker.

Here's the plan: We gain credits early, push the Corp poor, and tax them to rez ICE. Derezzing the ICEs is what I wanted to do with that huge amount of credits especially on expensive ICEs, hence the icebreaker suite. The Corp would need to pay again and again, which effectively acts as a "timewalk" effect to them. Clot is there to stop crazy FA strategies, make them purge viruses and "timewalk" them. Datasucker and Femme Fatale are both at 1 copies because they are situational for me. Might wanna increase Datasucker depending on my test results.

Hope this deck is good and would like hear more comments if you guys ever tried it !!! Let me know ! This deck is my first try on deck building :)