This young kid I know took Haley to 41st at GENCON. Skorpios was a better winner for him, including one epic win where he cold Salem'sed Şifr after Whiz Parasited a Vanilla--he hit two. But Hayley led him to some great "classic running" matches against AgInf that he really had fun playing. Chiyashi ain't so bad with a DedProc on Inti. And Inversificator does real work late game!
He didn't face asset spam or prison. Got boom!ed three times, tho. Apparently NEH and SYNC are still strong out there, but Plascrete might'a solved it.
Hayley's one-click decompress costs only a couple of net credits if you have Aesop's and/or Bloo Moose out: install two programs, draw four cards, install two DedProcs. Usually around turn 4/5ish. Then she's up and going.
End of corp turn, pop SMC and install ZU, Pipeline, or Inti, Reaver draw, and Hayley install another breaker from hand. Start of turn Aesop's/Bloo Moose for credits and Reaver draw. Click 1 install DedProc from hand, Replicator draw another, Hayley install it, and Replicator draw another.
Of course it doesn't need to happen all at once. There are other things to do with those clicks if you have time to slow install the breaker suite.
It generally has enough money. Not rolling in it, but enough to make a run on an iced server or trash a high cost asset. As others have noted, Bloo Moose turns the Levy into a real economy booster. Replicator boosts the thinning even further. There's a lot of flexibility for tech in here, but went for more econ and reliable fuel for engine just to make sure the economy was consistent. Other than Reaver, you can spend your influence however you want.
Eat your loopies!