Major Breakage

PowerBunz 481

Edward Kim is a simple man, with simple pleasures- like breaking stuff. Some of the things that Ed likes to break include, but are not limited to:

One of Ed's other favourite pass-times is getting together with his friends, not wearing shirts together, and playing tricks on local businesses.

//Enjoy this incredibly competitive, but undeniably anarch, nonsense.

//PS: Mulligan for Easy Mark.

11 Aug 2016 martinimon

Nice, I just played against this deck as BlueSun and lost.

12 Aug 2016 CommissarFeesh

Why Public Terminal over Prepaid VoicePAD? Costs more influence, and the extra credit spent on install would easily be made back on the extra events (Day Job, Frame Job, I've Had Worse) that you could spend the recurring credit on.

13 Aug 2016 PowerBunz

@CommissarFeesh if we didn't have that extra influence, we wouldn't have Easy Mark, the only good card in the deck.

13 Aug 2016 CommissarFeesh

@PowerBunz but if you swap Public Terminal for PPvP, you have MORE influence. You can have TWO easy marks ;)

14 Aug 2016 PowerBunz

Nah, I think that might make the deck too good. Don't want to get Easy Mark stuck on the MWL.

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