Quality Time at the Rig

Reutan 159

Tutoring Anarch style... via Shaper. Brought in an experienced Magic player to learn the game, this is the nonsense it cranked out. Prepaids make Lucky Finds and Sure Gambles even more accessible and more bursty, and let you dig even faster with the Quality Times. Fixed breakers and Corroder mean you can be quick to get aggressive, but Datasuckers are easy to grab with QT or Djinn to keep things relevant. You absolutely eat through your deck, but if you manage to throw away 3 Déjà Vu and both Levy AR Lab Accesses, you've got bigger issues.

FoN is currently untested, as a circumstantial "Yog just...can't." solution. Odds are good you'll QT through it, which leaves it nice and easy to abuse your VoicePAD credits to Retrieval Run it out at little or no cost to you. Prior alternative was a third Imp.

Comments/Criticism welcome.

2 Jul 2014 daytodave

"Yog just can't." Is usually a case for Parasite.

2 Jul 2014 Reutan

That's actually a pretty good point. For some reason that didn't come to mind. Would you do a 1-of, with all the recursion? Or would you pull something else?

2 Jul 2014 daytodave

Parasite is one of the best Anarch cards in the game; I would make room for 3 if possible. As for relying on recursion, the question is how much do you use your recursion package with the current deck? If you find yourself playing all your Deja Vus and Retrieval Runs already, then I wouldn't trust the deck to also recur parasites.

2 Jul 2014 Reutan

Deja Vus are typically for running forwards through the deck faster, usually either one or the other is necessary at a time. I can't imagine what I'd pull for 3 Parasites though, since they makes the Djinn even more desirable. Technically I could get away with 1 parasite at a time with 2 Djinn filled with the other viruses and my breakers (assuming extremely late game), but they're also tutoring.

The only possible choice that would cover that that I can see is -1 FoN, -1 Djinn, -1 Ice Carver, +3 Parasite, but I'm not sure if I like where that leaves things.

2 Jul 2014 Pinkwarrior

Personally id go -1 FoN -1Djinn for sure, 2 parasites is enough 3 is better tho. I'd be tempted to go -1 daily casts but then i think daily is a poor card.

4 Jul 2014 defenastrator

I'm the "experienced Magic player" referenced in the initial description. Djinn is a core card and cannot be cut. The decks heavy dependance on it's viruses turns it into 1 cred draw the card you need and in some cases actually provides significant deck thinning. Additionally it provides the memory need to allow the deck to run at peak. Tutors in any game even limited ones are crazy powerful. And Djinn is a repeatable tutor.

Cutting the Ice Carver for a parasite does seem reasonable as parasite serves a similar function and is more flexible.

Daily casts cannot be cut as the encon of the deck is fragile as it is removing any money supply is out of the question unless more efficient money supplies can be found.