Direct0r HaAsh // Lud0 WInter st0re 3rd pl4ce @Rig4

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Director Haas Glacier (1st Place Fat Ogre Store Championship
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eXister 49

Director HaAsh - #Director Haas sitting in remote with best bioroid in his class - #Ash 2X3ZB9CY

Tnx @Darkshift07 to encourage with his deck to take Director Haas to competive champ!!!

Deck very suits my fast/rush play style:

Director Haas in good remote is like FREE #Biotic Labor each turn. What could be better? just 3rd Director Haas in deck ;)

REX Campaign - never used to remove BP, but its nets me from nowhere 5 credits in 3 turns, runners was lazy to spend creds on something so 'unefficient", keeping them for Adonis and NAPD

Biotic it self very nice addition, using that for score last or 1st agenda, usualy unexpected aft few Director Haas

Crisium Grid very successfully had fulfill his ability in centrals

Wraparound - after debates i consider this is more wise choise over Swordsman, if runner dont run AI, its blank card for me usually

Lotus - i love them, i wish i could take 2x more instead of 2x Viper, i was confinced to take them but i hate them..

No currents - didnt find that they hurt me so much, no problem to score agenda to remove that

22 Feb 2015 Darkshift07

Glad it did well for you! I agree with you about wraparound instead of swordsman. Rex Campaign is also a nice choice if Valencia becomes a thing locally.

I love Lotus Field as a card, I hate it in HB, only because I'd rather include Ichi 1.0 as my str 4 ice (and at the same cost) because it's much more taxing to run on. I'd even rather have Viktor 2.0 for the same cost, or Viper for 2 credits less. It makes sense if you're going more for a rush style though. Good job!

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