Newbie Broadcast Network

konradh 289

My first NBN deck, core + some extra stuff

26 Nov 2014 Bananifier

Welcome to Netrunner!

I suppose you have the datapacks corresponding to the cards included in this deck (well, my comments are made with that in mind, anyway).

A few pieces of advice:

  • you might want to put an Archived Memories in there, so as to get your Scorched Earth back - if you can tag the runner during his turn, you can then kill him in a single turn with scorched earth - archived memories - scorched earth. It can also be used to get your Hedge Fund back if you are low on money, or get a SanSan City Grid back if the runner trashed it.
  • as you have some influence left, I would slot a few Snare! in. It helps a lot to tag the runner and kill him afterwards.
  • You'll soon find out that it is very difficult to make Big Brother hit. I would remove them to make room for snares (maybe do -2 Big Brother, -1 Psychographics +3 Snares OR +2 snares and +1 Archived memories).
  • Pop-up Window is a very good ICE, you might want to make room for it (-1 Tollbooth -1 Uroboros +2 pop ups). As it is a very cheap ICE, you should have less trouble defending your central servers in the early game.
  • To make your deck more reliable, I would actually remove the Red Herrings to add +1 SEA Source and +1 Sweeps Week.

If you like the 'Tag'n Bag' archetype (i.e. tagging the runner and then burning his building down), you might want to get Midseason Replacements, which is in the Future Proof datapack (this card also work very nicely with Psychographics and Project Beale :D ).

At last, I would strongly suggest that you buy Opening Moves, which contains Jackson Howard. This card is extremely good and shifts the balance of power between the corp and the runner. It enables you to draw your combo pieces when you need them. Even more importantly, it enables you to 'overflow' your hand and safely discards agendas into archives. You can then trigger his second ability to safely put your agendas back into R&D. This way, you can actually have fun even if your starting hand was very poor (2-3 agendas in your initial hand is always a bit sad).

26 Nov 2014 cdwolstenholme

Agree with all the above, and one more thing: Get the third Astro in there, it makes the FA win option so much easier

26 Nov 2014 Bananifier

@cdwolstenholme I restrained from saying so, as I'm pretty sure @konradh has a single core set. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I don't think a 2nd/3rd core sets are necessary to enjoy netrunner. If you play casually, you can proxy cards if you really want to. Of course, if you play competitively, a 2nd core set is quite nice (that and some friends to lend you a 3rd Desperado or SanSan City Grid).

10 Dec 2014 konradh

@Bananifier``@cdwolstenholme Thanks for the tips! I discovered that you left comments only today!

Unfortunately I don't have second core and I know my life with second SanSan and third Astro would be much easier, but maybe some day Ill buy them.

Next time Ill try to play this deck Ill surely think about Archived Memories!