Worst of Three Worlds 5.0

OneFabric 98

The main agenda of this deck is to gain as many s as possible, and then meat the runner. If this does not work, then the plan is to keep scoring agendas until victory or scorch the runner.

Private Security Force will achieve this, with the manipulation from Efficiency Committee.

For a deck that seeks to gain as many clicks as possible, there is no Biotic Labor, the reason being that advancement is not the main plan here, and I felt money making cards such as Hedge Fund and Restructure will be better for this deck, especially with the heavy ice.

Other than a few ice such as Hunter and Ichi 1.0, the main plan for them is to keep the runner out late game and deter them from running early on. This should work as long as I keep my agendas and Melange Mining Corp. behind ice I can afford to rez.

I included Wotan and Janus 1.0 for the protection it gives to assets and agendas inside the server. These heavy ice also pair very well with Howler and Accelerated Beta Test.

Since I need to tag the runner to deal meat damage in my deck, I included Ghost Branch and SEA Source. Scorched Earth is more of a fall back plan.

Jackson Howard mitigates the failed Accelerated Beta Test, or brings money back into the game. Ash 2X3ZB9CY is for games where my game starts low on ice, and for luring runners in for a successful run to trigger SEA Source.

Possible includes are Aggressive Secretary for resetting the runner's rig. I might include this in the next version.