CtM 1st Place Dragon's Lair Store Championship

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gejben 523

24 ppl, went undefeated. Played against whizzard, leela, Hayley and Kate in swiss. Edward Kim, Hayley and Edward Kim again in top-cut.

9 Jan 2017 Daigelmir

Congrats on your win. How did IP Block work for you? Would you consider swapping one Archangel with one Data Ward?

9 Jan 2017 gejben

@Daigelmir Thank you. I included IP Block mostly because it's a new card, every time I rezzed it it was a resistor that costed 1 less for the runner to match trace on and 2 more for me to rez. In a meta with very much Faust it might be worth it but otherwise Resistor ir probably just better.

If I wanted a Data Ward I would not swap Archangel for it. Archangel is great both as ice and in hq/rnd and gives you slots you would otherwise have to spend on Cyberdex Virus Suite. Data Ward might be fine but I think it's too pricy for what it does. At most it's a meta call if there's very much tag-me runners (but then you probably have less money to spend on ice so still not sure it's a good call).

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