Closed Accounts MVP, Tampere regionals winner 2016

lordlau 82

For those who are wondering, Tampere is a city in Finland.

The night before the regionals I had nightmares about the abysmal performance of my Sol. I woke up in cold sweat an hour before the alarm. I decided to make a new deck out of the same ID. I removed Midseason Replacements, Scorched Earth and Paywall Implementation added shitloads of Ice and operation economy.

Usually I don't like to make last minute modifications, but this time it paid out. Top seed after a five round swiss, and managed to win the tournament after a really close final with Niilo ( @Nailouu ). Niilo is a bad boi with lots of big tournamnet wins under his belt.

Most memorable games were in top four against Niilos Apocalypse Maxx. I managed to recover from a 1-5 (?) point disadvantage. Maxx bombed me with two apocalypses, but Jackson Howard (our savior) and shitloads of ice managed to keep me in the game.

Closed Accounts is bonkers. The card single handedly won me a lot of games. Managed to 'siphon' perhaps 100 creds during the tournament.

Round 1: vs. Iain, Win

Round 2: vs. Leela, Win

Round 3: vs. Maxx, Loss

Round 4: vs. Silhouette, Win

Round 5: Split with the second seed.

Oh my, lots of criminal.

Looking forward to including a couple of more GFI:s and 2-3 Exchange of Information.

Runner deck & moar stories:

30 May 2016 say200426

With shitloads of cards that can convert your News Team into profit, would you think of cutting it?

30 May 2016 lordlau

If there is a a lot of tyose converters in your meta, sure. 3rd restructure would be nice. SEA source could also work.

What did you have in mind to replace NT?