PoodleMoth 1

Fast advance Cerebral imaging

Your objective is to score Elective upgrade in one turn then win the game in the next two turns using its ability

Combo to score Elective upgrade

Before comboing score one Domestic Sleepers. You need to have Bioroid Work Crew, Jeeves Model Bioroids, Oberth Protocol, Shipment from MirrorMorph,Biotic Labor, and Elective Upgrade

With these you first use shipment to install Bioroid work crew and Oberth protocol in the same server, then Jeeves. Use Biotic labor, rez and trash bioroid work crew to install Elective Upgrade, rez Oberth Protocol forfeiting Domestic sleepers, advance Elective upgrade with the rest of your clicks then score it. This whole thing costs 15 credits and Domestic Sleepers.

If you can install Bioroid work crew and Jeeves the turn before without them getting trashed then the combo works with Biotic Labor in hand and Elective Upgrade also only costs 12 credits and no Domestic Sleeper.

Until you can combo use clearances to draw and gain money along side Jackson Howard. Then after comboing use the ability of Elective upgrade to score an agenda for 3 credits the next turn, and again the turn after that.

Or if you really can't combo for whatever reason you can always just use biotic and bioroid work force to score 3 for 2s and 1 Domestic Sleepers for the win.

The Rest of the Cards

Advanced Assembly Lines- Can be used for free money on combo turn or to install ice to mess up Temujin contract.

Cybernetics Court- Helps against hate like vamp, account siphon, employee strike, and helps because going to be rather broke after combo turn.

Targeted Marketing- Account siphon hate mostly or something else if you know a lot about their deck also removes employee strike and other runner currents.