Windmill+ (4th @ London CO [tied 2nd])

swabl 390

A lightly modified version of "How much influence is Fast Break?" that trades some of its high-roll potential for a bit less fragility.

I've found that Freedom of Information is more often than not a liability and was the biggest thing I wanted to change. It's great when the stars align but I've found those situations aren't as common as you'd hope, and frequently the reason you lost was because the runner stole a couple of them. In a deck that wants to feed the runner agendas, the 2-pointers make their job a lot easier (especially when they clog in HQ).

So I started by swapping some of them out for Superconducting Hub. Which felt great! Much like Fly on the Wall, they help you extend your plays on the combo turn by digging deeper, and scored normally help you regain some tempo. The handsize increase shouldn't be scoffed at either - getting to be "CI at home" helps more than you might expect. They fit right at home.

Global Food Initiative unsurprisingly makes up the remaining 3 points. With that, I added one more agenda but cut the stealable agenda points down by 1 and halved the '2'-pointers - making it both harder to lose and slightly easier to get good Fast Break numbers. It feels so much safer this way.

With Endurance banned we can respect Clot less and so a Mavirus got cut, letting me put that GFI in. And with FoI out Hard-Hitting News doesn't do anything and so got cut too.

With one card left and no answer to tagme, I opted for Shipment from Vladisibirsk. Against tagme it opens up scoring GFI from hand, and outside of that it in theory allows for some neat scores to cap-off double Fly/Headline combos, but that's a bit Christmasland. Mostly it's for tagme.

Further changes? If you disrespect tagme and/or Shaper even more you could free up a couple of slots, which would probably be used for another ice (even just one more would be a big help) and/or the 3rd Arella Salvatore (but she rarely gets trashed anyway). Feels pretty decent as is.

Fun deck, wins more often than it loses, went 2-1 at the London CO (I got a bye) and the loss was very close - the runner on 4 accessing 4 agendas off R&D in one dig, with me arguably set up to combo a win next turn.

16 Apr 2023 Kikai

I dig the superconducting hub.

In an open list format, would 1 x shipment from vlad still be enough tag punishment?

30 Apr 2023 swabl

@Kikai oops late to the reply

Probably not but I haven't had the chance to be in that situation so who could say. I'd aim to leverage all the econ and draw by them going tagme from the start to combo faster and try to win that way, I think.

tbh I'm far more worried about the Esa deck doing the rounds as well as Stargate. Hard to win when Fast Break and SBB are kept off.