Solar Missile Base (April GNK Cologne)

lostgeek 3712

Blue Sun may have lost their Oversight AI, but they still are really strong because of their unconventional play style. This deck runs tons of expensive and hard to break ICE, which allows you to tax the runner, while keeping your credits.

Both of your threats in Hard-Hitting News and Bryan Stinson are supported by the taxing ICE as well as Economic Warfare. If they don't run, play Bankers and Museum, get rich, recur stuff, and score out. If they do run, play HHN in combination with Economic Warfare or False Lead to stick two tags and BOOM them.

In the GNK it went 1-2 with a win against Smoke and losses against -breaker Grant Geist and Apoc Val/Omar, which are the weakest matchups right now. The next iteration will probably replace the Hailstorms with Spiderwebs to force out the Grappling Hook and include Executive Boot Camp to pre-rez ICE against Apocalypse.

Funny interactions:

  • Relocate your scoring remote after Cy-Cy install
  • De-femme everything
  • Install Bankers as NA bait. Remove the rezzed piece of ICE afterwards, if they don't run
  • Play shell games with alternating Museum and Atlas installs in your scoring remote