Poker Night (15 inf is a crutch)

MrHuds0n 1196


This little deck came around when I was talking with my friend coming back from our weekly Netrunner games. We basically were brainstorming ideas on how to make an actual NEXT Design deck and this is what came out of this discussion.

This is a lulzy, non-competitive rush/FA deck that focuses on scoring out before the Runner assembles their breaker suite. As such, it generally doesn't perform very well because it doesn't have the secondary strategy of flatlining the runner like Supermodernism decks. It's still fun to play nonetheless.

First, some maths on leveraging the NEXT Design ability.

Since we have 22 ice in the deck the probability of drawing three or more at the start of the game is roughly 40% per hand. After a mulligan, that probability grows to about 64%. The chance to draw into two or more ice is 75% per hand, 94% after a mulligan. (All of this assuming that I remember everything from my probability classes.)

So in addition to running a metric tonne of cheap ice, the Poker Night also sports three related methods of HB fast advance:

Jeeves Model Bioroids - Using Subliminal Messaging and Shipment from SanSan allows you to score out any 3/X agenda from hand.

Efficiency Committee - Shipment from SanSan does not count as advancing a card so with a single Efficiency Committee scored you can score any 3/X with a single EC counter and a single Shipment from SanSan. Furthermore, you can score the singleton Global Food for three EC counters and two Shipments from SanSan in corner cases.

Biotic Labor requires no explanation.

The lovely thing about HB FA is that all of those methods can be combined and used in very different ways which gives to the appeal of this deck and the fun it provides. I encourage you to try it out in the jnet causal room as it doesn't have much competitive value, but damn is it fun to play.

Also as a final point...


24 Aug 2016 AmpersandDrew

I'm trying to understand the Jeeves/Subliminal/Shipment interaction that allows you to score out any 3/X agenda from hand. Click 1: Install agenda...Click 2: Subliminal to gain a credit & click...Click 2 & 3: Shipment from SanSan for two advancement tokens....but Jeeves wouldn't trigger. What am I missing?

24 Aug 2016 Lttlefoot

You spent three clicks playing operations

24 Aug 2016 GeneralCake

Jeeves only checks for two things:

  1. The type of action performed

  2. The amount of clicks spent to perform those actions

Jeeves saw that you spent one click on subliminal and two clicks on shipment, so jeeves will trigger as both of those actions are of the same type.