Mother's Studio Board v1.5.9

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Mother's Studio Board v1.5.6
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Mother's Studio Board v1.6
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nottheonlysaint 28

All ya gotta do is play and protect the board with Mother Goddess. Because as long as The Board is in play the runner has no agenda points.

Ideally you have a 'The Board" server with: the board, a rezzed mother, an unrezzed mother, an unrezzed Swordsman, and a hidden Self-destruct, and an Excalibur over HQ. Spend your turns playing two agendas; the runner might score one but they can't score the other and you can the next turn.

Executive Boot Camp, Tech Startup, and Levy University search for the key cards.

Swordsman is to remove any AI breakers that might mess with things.

Interns saves mother if she's parasited, knighted, or femmed

Self-destruct is the last call, "dont touch my board" play. So try to get two "the board" servers out if you can.

Eater should not be able to affect The Board as it says: "If The Board is trashed while being accessed..." Eater could trash it but they wouldn't score it, it would go to archives and out of arm's reach.

Still In Testing.

7 Apr 2015 LynxMegaCorp

Someone saw my version? Self-Destruct is a neat F-you to the crafty Runner who dare try to snatch TB. Consider swapping 1 TB for Ash to protect TB?

7 Apr 2015 LynxMegaCorp

Here is my concept.

I run 6 2-pointers so the Runner cannot win under The Board's reign. Might toss in a Swordsman or two.

7 Apr 2015 grimgravyboat

Both Mother Goddess and Excalibur are unique so you can only have one copy rezzed at a time. What's your win condition, here? You won't flatline any good runners with only Self-Destruct.

7 Apr 2015 LynxMegaCorp

Self-Destruct is mainly to trash The Board before inevitable access, the net damage being a bonus side effect. I've used it with Chairman Hiro to good effect.

8 Apr 2015 SlayerCNV

Funny the fact it is buildable but totally not strong...

8 Apr 2015 d4spien

Account Siphon spam would give this deck lots of problems with no way of actually stopping it

8 Apr 2015 Saan

Comboing The Board with Self-destruct doesn't actually do anything if Self Destruct doesn't kill the runner. If The Board is rezzed, it's not actually doing anything unless the runner has 7 points already, or is just about to get 7 points. Winning the game is binary - you've either won or you haven't - so taking the runner from 5 points to 0 points is the exact same thing. So the only way The Board is actually doing anything is if it is keeping the runner from winning the game, meaning they're at 7 points. At this point, blowing up the server with The Board in it simply wins the runner the game.