Superdeep Superfast Speedrail (2-2 at April AMT)

Girometics 3789

The title is supposed to be reminiscent of the good ol' AstroTrain.

In my bored haze, I built this deck on my phone laying in bed because I thought "I don't want to subject people in a tournament to my godawful experiment of a Thule deck" and I still needed one Weyland claim for the ABR badge, so I thought about which Weyland ideas were easy to execute and are little seen. This was originally a Jemison Astronautics: Sacrifice. Audacity. Success. list, as the idea is to try and get a Project Atlas with one or two counters as fast as possible and then rush out one Regulatory Capture after another, but I figured that that version of this deck would have been too poor.

In my matches, the list lived up to it's premise: All games with it were done in under 15 minutes!

Game 1 vs @yonato on Hoshiko Shiro: Untold Protagonist: I was really lucky that they didn't bother to check Archives when I didn't have a Spin Doctor on the table, as I threw a Global Food Initiative in there relatively early. After that, my winning move was probably using a Mavirus to clear a Botulus and a Fermenter and thus firing a Trebuchet, which allowed to me score two Atlases with one counter on them and hence close out the game.

Game 2 vs @ReinaMorada on Esâ Afontov: Eco-Insurrectionist: Here I iced up HQ with a Trebuchet to hinder them from potentially running me down with Chastushkas, but in the end they still managed to snag 3 agendas out of R&Q via sabotage by turn 6. I was quite flooded from turn 5 onward, so I was forced to install a naked Project Atlas in hopes that they wouldn't hit another agenda via sabotage on the following turn, but alas. I'm not sure whether that would have made a difference, but I was quite hesitant to rez my Superdeep Borehole for the fourth bad pub, which led to me hoarding Regulatory Captures in hand.

Game 3 vs @essexmcsintosh on Rielle "Kit" Peddler: Transhuman: After slamming head first into a Bulwark with a freshly installed Hyperbaric, there was not much they could do at that point from stopping me from getting a Project Atlas with a counter. Admittedly, I already had two Regulatory Capture in hand in that moment, so they could have tried to snipe them out of there, especially since I had just another Bulwark sitting on top of there that I couldn't rez at that time, but I doubt that it would have mattered with how far ahead in tempo I was already.

Game 4 vs @Ell on Ele "Smoke" Scovak: Cynosure of the Net: I made the big mistake of mulligan'ing into a 4 agenda hand, so that one is on me I guess. Beyond that, I might have been a little too greedy with my Superdeep Borehole rezzes, as Ell did well to dutifully trash them as soon after, so I was consistently too low on creds to rez the Bulwark that I tried to score behind, but it felt like the only thing I could do with two Regulatory Capture in hand, as it was the only way to safely get them out of there. That slowed me down enough for the runner to setup, so at that point my servers were practically open, and I lost off of R&D.

All in all, I'm positively surprised by this decks performance, and I'm not sure how many cards I would change. Having three Superdeep Borehole might be debatable, but you really want one in your opening hand, and they are one of the only ways with which you can quickly gain bad pub. Another discussion is dropping one Malapert Data Vaults, as it might be worth putting in one more Audacity in the first place, as the games are over so very quickly.

Thanks again to everyone for playing, and to @pspacekitten and @Kror for running the tournament!

16 Apr 2023 114141

I love the idea of playing borehole just to gain the bad pub. Very creative way to use the cards. Congrats on your finish!