Hoshiko Seeks the Troof

JuniperTheory 364

This is the deck that took me to third place at the Austin GNK by going 2-2. I'm not going to do a huge writeup here because I'm much, much more proud of my other deck, where I took New Angeles Sol: Your News to it's first top 3 placing in 3 years as a way to send it off before it rotates. Please go read that and fav it I spent a ton of time on it.

For the rest of you Hoshiko Shiro fans, this is a pretty fun list; turns out that having four different pressure cards means you can really really fuck a corp up. It probably doesn't need all of them, but I really enjoyed being able to pick and choose during a game based on what i might need, all leading up to the ending where I had all of them installed and could run roughshod over the runner.

Mostly, I just think that Maw is so much fun. I love maw. Play maw, folks. It fucks everybody up, and it's GREAT with Find the Truth and Aumakua as you're now getting triple value off any random useless asset you run or hedge fund you access from HQ.