Mid Hosh [9th @ Liverpool CO]

J-Flex 211

My first tournament after buying back in to Netrunner after last playing when FFG support ran out. Trying to catch up with the card pool and the meta and a lot of signs pointed to Anarch being the best runner faction with Hoshiko being the best ID.

The deck went 1-3 on the day and is a good reflection of the amount of runner practice I have had (My Corp did better which was the side I practiced more).

It's called Mid Hosh as a nod to the varying size of the Hoshiko decks these days and how poor my performance was despite playing all the great cards. In testing I had tried the Apocalypse flavour of Hoshiko but I found that I rarely fired the apoc and when I did I wasn't able to leverage it into a win. So I opted for a more "standard" list that I netdecked and made a couple of tweaks (in my opinion Mad Dash has to go in Stargate decks for those tricky to steal 3 pointers). On the day I found myself lacking money or not seeing my bin breakers early enough with its only win coming against mcg's Bladderwort CtM deck who went on to win the whole thing.

In fact the only time the deck really sang was during a casual game whilst the elim games were happening. I had money and constant accesses and threats.

One thing I can say for certain it's great to be playing this game again, especially in person and am looking forward to the next rotation and the post HHN/bin breakers world.