Champ Crusher - 5-0 US East Coast Nats

YsengrinSC 1465

I've been playing different version of this list for weeks. After Muntal Bost posted their list I felt like they had made a nice little addition. I had been running Special Offer based on BBlum's shaper bullshit list. But it felt super lackluster. Similarly the Formicary felt worse and worse the more games I played. Seamless Launch was a really nice way to get Atlas counters. However when I was playing their list against SnareBears, I felt like I had to high-roll to get a GFI through. But fast advance was a great way to push through Big Hoshiko.

I think this list is fine, and despite going 5-0 isn't an optimal corp. I think I got good matchups, and wasn't challenged in some of the most active ways. But this deck is really powerful. Every game sometime in the first 3 turns I was able to aggressively score with a lot of confidence. Often this was trying to push an Oaktown Renovation behind an Envelopment or a Border Control, both of which are plays you're happy to do.

In terms of Ob value - the Whitespace was a nice addition because you could sell Sandstone/Magnet/Afshar and still get a piece of ice out if you need one. I did have one one game where I searched for Formicary, but that was a sad one.

I called this champ slayer because it got games off of both Dan D. and Limes. Both were good games. The one against Dan D. was really funky because I had the Audacity in hand at 5 points and then just pushed all my defenses to R&D so we were racing to see if I found a 3/2 before he found a Maw, and it came up in my favor.

I expect something like this list to be quite good post-rotation as runner breakers become less accessible and Ob gets more FA tools and econ tools.

And yes this only had 14 influence, was hard to figure out what the best option was.

1 Aug 2023 Limes

"And yes this only had 14 influence, was hard to figure out what the best option was."

How about a third Mavirus?

1 Aug 2023 YsengrinSC

I definitely thought about it, but I didn't have enough good 2 cost targets, and there weren't enough targets for me to feel great about it. But if we see Aumakua or Audrey v2 taking over, and with Tucana and Wage Workers both coming out as good 2 cost targets it feels much more reasonable.

2 Aug 2023 JackMade

i think manegarm is too strong to not at least play 2, i'd cut a seamless for it.

2 Aug 2023 YsengrinSC

I found Seamless to be a huge improvement, and the threat of Manegarm was often enough to make it really stick. 1x Seamless is basically worthless, but with 2 you’ll usually get an Atlas counter out of it, which is a great use of influence.

But Manegarm is definitely an impactful card